LG Electronics RD2030 Using the Battery Pack, Installing the Battery, Removing the Battery

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Using the Battery Pack

Charge the battery fully before the initial use of the phone.

The phone comes with a rechargeable battery. Keep the battery charged while not in use in order to maximize talk and standby time when using the phone.

Installing the Battery

To install the battery, insert the bottom of the battery into the opening on the back of the phone. Then, push the battery down until the latch clicks.

Removing the Battery

Turn the power off. (If power is on, a loss of stored num- bers and messages may occur.)

Push the latch upwards in the direction of the arrow and pull the battery out by holding its upper edges.

release latch



Battery Charge Level

The battery charge level is shown at the top right of the LCD screen.

When the battery charge level becomes low, the low battery sensor will alert you in three ways: sounding an audible tone, blinking the battery icon outline, and dis- playing LOW BATTERY WARNING! If the battery charge level becomes exceedingly low, the phone will automatically switch off and any function in progress will not be saved.

Using the Desktop Charger

The desktop holder has a slot to accommodate a battery. The slot accommodates a phone with a battery pack for charging.

Warning! Use only the desktop charger provided with the phone. Using the wrong charger may cause damage to your phone and battery and invalidate the warranty.

1) Plug the charger into a wall outlet.

GThe charger should operate on a 110 ~ 240 VAC source. (Check voltage of the charger).

2)Place the phone with the battery of the charger or just with the battery.

3)The red light of the charger indicates that the battery is being charged. If charging is completed, the light will turn into green.



Image 9
Contents Hindi Manual User Contents Quick Adjust … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Signal Strength … … … … … … … … … … … …Entering Information using T9 Text Input … Phone Book Features … … … … … … … … …Introduction Settings … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 56 CallImportant Information Planner … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …Safety Instructions Check AccessoriesBefore You Start FCC RF Exposure Information Body-worn Operation Battery Disposal FCC Part 15 Class B Compliance Adapter Charger CautionsPhone Components Getting StartedOnscreen Icons Phone OverviewInstalling the Battery Using the Battery PackRemoving the Battery Battery Charge LevelCaring for the Battery Signal StrengthBasic Functions Turning the Phone On and OffAdjusting the Volume Power Save ModeMaking a Call Receiving CallsQuick Adjust Mute Call WaitingRedialing Calls Speed DialingInput mode Entering Information using T9 Text InputKey Functions Changing Letter CaseExamples Using ABC Multi-tap Text input Examples Using T9 Text InputPhone Book Phone Book FeaturesPersonal Phone Book Memory Find NameFind Email Find by EntryChanging Information Stored in the Phone Book Book from either Find Name, Find by Entry or FindMaking a call from Your Phone Book Dialing from a Memory ListDialing from a Memory Location General Guidelines to Menu Access Settings Menu FeaturesMenu Write MenuUrgent Read MenuSample Unsent MenuReply Sent Erase SettingsReceived MissedSelect Call History Select Call History Select ReceivedData History DialledPress Ring Tones Ring TypePress Ring Type Vibrate+Ring and Light withLanguage Other AlertsHelp for T9 ContrastCall Menu Phone Data Settings MenuData Baud set 19,200/115,200/230,400 Key Guard MenuSecurity Select LineScheduler Planner MenuAdd Event Menu How to Set SnoozePress Planner Press Scheduler Press Add Event View by Day MenuErase Old Menu AlarmPress Planner Press Scheduler Press Erase Old Press Planner Press Scheduler Press Erase AllPress Planner Press Calculator Press Planner Press World ClockPress R World Sample Games LG-RD2030 To play Black Jack Black Jack MenuReset R-Menu Travel Charger AccessoriesSound Menu TreeAntenna Care Safety GuidelinesPosted Facilities Aircraft Do wireless phones pose a health hazard?LG-RD2030 What are the results of the research done already? What kinds of phones are the subject of this update?LG-RD2030 LG-RD2030 LG-RD2030 Where can I find additional information? 100 ÇßÆØ-⌿Ł `æð˙‚ð· ´ýSÌæßÙæ ÀæØM⁄¥æÌ âð ´ªUÜð ¨.âŁ.âŁ. Öæ» 15 Ÿæð‡æŁ „ ¥ÙØ´æÜÙ ¥ŠØæØ 1 ¥æ§Øð ¨æðÙ‚ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜ ⁄Úð·U ¥æòÙ Sý⁄ŁÙ ç¿‹ªU Õæ¯UÚUŁ ´æ⁄ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜ ¥ŠØæØ 2 ×ŒÜ ¨¢€àæÙ ´æßÚU Õ¿Ì ×æð˙U ´Ł⁄ÚU ⁄Ł ßæò¸ØŒ× ¯UÙ ßæò¸ØŒ×¢⁄´Ù ×ô˙U ˙U`S¯U ⁄ÚUÙæ Üæò⁄ ¨¢€àæÙ ˙U`S¯U ⁄ÚUÙæfifiv âð ~~ Ì⁄ ⁄Ł ×ð×æðÚUŁ ⢁Øæ ˛Õæ¡ ¯UÙ ˛Õæ¡ ¯UÙ ˛Õæ⁄ÚU ´ýÌŁÿææÚUÌ ⁄æòÜ ´ýæŒÌ ⁄Úð·U§Ù´Ø¯U ×ô˙U ¯UÙô· ð⁄ ⁄æØüABC ׸¯UŁ-¯æU´ ×ôð˙U Vwx Ù¢ÕÚU ×ôð˙U~ ×ô˙U ×𢠯U槴 ⁄ÚUÙæ ¥»Üð Õ¯UÙ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜU~ ˙Uð¯Uæ Õðâ ×ð· àæŽ˛ `ô˙‚UÙæ Page Page ¥˝ßæ ¥´ÙŁ ¨æðÙ‚ ÕØ⁄ âð ⁄æòÜ ⁄ÚUÙæ⁄ ×ð×æðÚUŁ ⌿Ł âð ˙UæØÜ ⁄Úð·U ⁄⣠×ð×æðÚUŁ S˝Ü âð ˙UæØÜ ⁄ÚUÙæ´ŁÀðU `æ â⁄Ìð ªæ·U ¢˛ðàæ ⌿ŁÕÚU ´ÚU ¨æðÙ‚ ⁄ÚU â⁄Ìð ªæ·U Page ´É‚ðU ¿ØÙð· ´É‚Uð· ⌿Ł˛ð„ð· ׯUæ¡Page Page Âð篢U» ⌿Ł ׯUæ¡ Erase ⌿Ł⁄æòÜ çßßÚU‡æ ⌿Ł ÀŒU¯Ł ªØU§ü ⌿Ł¥æÙð ßæÜŁ ⌿Ł Page ÇÚ¢U» SßÚU ⌿Ł or ÇÚ¢U» ´ý⁄æÚU ⌿ŁÇÚ¢U» ßæò¸ØŒ× ⌿Ł Sý⁄ŁÙ-Ü槯U ⌿Ł Âçßüâ çÚUØæ ⌿Ł⁄¡æ¯þUæS¯U ⌿Ł ßæòÜ ´ð´ÚU ⌿Ł⁄¡æ¯þUæS¯U ˛Õæ¡ ~ ð⁄ çÜ âªUæØÌæ ˛Õæ¡Page Âð篢U» ˛Õæ¡ ˙ðU¯Uæ/ âð篢U»âŒ¿Ł ˙Uð¯Uæ/ ¨æ⁄€â ⌿Ł˙ð¯Uæ Õæò˙U ⌿Ł ÂØÚUÿææ ⌿Ł Üæ§Ù ¿ØÙð· ⌿Ł¢⁄¯U⁄æÜŁÙ Ù. ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ¢⁄¯U⁄æÜŁÙ Ù¢ÕÚ U ⌿ŁÙØæ Üæò⁄ ⁄ô˙ UU ⌿Ł ÙØæ Üæò⁄ ⁄ô˙ ⁄æð ˛Õ桯Uæ§× ×æÙð`ÚU ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ⁄æØü `æð˙ð·U ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ⁄æØü `æð˙ð·U ⌿ŁÇÌç˝ âð ˛ð„ð· ⌿Ł ¯Uæ§× ×æÙð`Ú ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡⁄܀،Üð¯UÚU ⌿Ł ¥Üæ×ü ⌿Ł⁄܀،Üð¯UÚU ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ Çßàß ƒæ˙U‚Ł ⌿Ł×¸¯UŁ×Łç˙UØæ ⌿Ł ÂŒ¿Ł ç˛„æ¢ âŒ¿Ł ¸˙üU ⌿Ł×¸¯UŁ×Łç˙UØæ ⁄ô ˛Õæ¡ ÂŒ¿Ł ç˛„æ¢ ⁄ô ˛Õæ¡ ÂŒ¿Ł ªU¯Uæ¢ âŒ¿Ł¯UÙ ´æ˙U ⁄Ł L⁄´ÚðU„æ »ð× Sý⁄ŁÙ ¥¢⁄ÌæçÜ⁄ ˛`ü ⁄ÚUÙð ⁄Ł S⁄ŁÙ„ðÜ ⁄æð â×æŒÌ ⁄ÚUÌæ ªæU ŽÜæ⁄ `æ⁄ „ðÜÙð ð⁄ çÜ ŽÜæ⁄ `æ⁄ ⌿ŁPage ¥ŠØæØ ¥çÌçÚU€Ì ´Ø˚æðü Page ¢¯UŁÙæ ⁄Ł ˛ð„ÚðU„ ÚðUç˙UØô ¥æߺçžæ çâ»ÙÜ ð⁄ ´ýçÌ ¥ÚUçÿæÌÌæ¨⁄ôÙ‚ ⢿æÜÙ ˛ÿæ ⢿æÜÙ â¢Õ¢ˇŁ ØØç€ÌØæ¡´ðâ×ð⁄ÚU §Üð€¯þUæòçÙ⁄ U´⁄ÚU‡æªUŁØçÚ¢U» ð˙U ¥‹Ø ç¿ç⁄çˆâØ U´⁄ÚU‡æÇßS¨⁄ô¯U ⁄Ł â¢ÖæßÙæ ßæÜæ ßæÌæßÚU‡æ ÇßS¨⁄ô¯UÙ ÿæð˜æØÚU Õæ» ØØ€Ì ßæªUÙô· ð⁄ çÜ ¨⁄.˙UŁ.. â¢Õ¢ˇŁ U´Öô€Ìæ `æÙ⁄æÚUŁ¥æò€ØØ´ðàæÙÜ âð¯UŁ ¢˙U ªðU¸˝ ˙Uç×çÙS¯þðUàæÙ ‹ßæòØÚU×ð‹¯UÜ ´ýô¯ðU€àæÙ `ð·âŁ⁄Ł ⁄ Ÿæº¢„Üæ ÌæØæÚU ⁄ÚUÙð ×ð· ÖŁ âªUæØÌæ ⁄Ł ªæU ÇßlØÌ ß¢ §Üð€¯þUæòçÙ⁄ §¢`ŁçÙØÚUŁ â¢S˝æÙ ¥æ§ü.§ü.§ü.§ü. Ùð ÕðÌæÚU ¨æðÙæð·‚ ⁄Ł ÚðUç˙UØô¥æߺçžæ ⁄`æü ¥æÚU.¨⁄. Ø⁄ÀU ÕðÌæÚU ¨æðÙ‚ â¢Õ¢ˇŁ ¨⁄.˙UŁ.. ⁄æ ßðÕ ´ð`„ô`æ `æ â⁄Ìæ ªæU ¥æÚU. ð⁄ â¢Õ¢ˇ ×ð· U´Öô€Ìæ `æÙ⁄æÚUŁ ÇÙç˛üc¯U ¥æˆ×âæÌ ˛ÚU