Life Fitness B098 operation manual HIll

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The Life Fitness-patented HIll workout offers a variety of configurations for interval training. Intervals are periods of intense cardiovascular exercise separated by regular periods of lower-intensity exercise. The WORKOUT PROFILE window represents these high and low intervals as columns of illuminated LEDs, which together have the appearance of hills and valleys. The com- puterized interval training workout has been scientifically demonstrated to promote greater cardiorespiratory improvement than steady-pace training.

The HIll workout goes through four phases, each marked by different intensity levels. The WORKOUT PROFILE window dis- plays the progress of these phases. As noted in the descriptions below, the heart rate should be measured at two stages in the workout to gauge its effectiveness. Wear the Polar telemetry heart rate chest strap or continuously grip the LifepulseTM handles. The MESSAGE CENTER does not display a request for a heart rate measurement, as it does with CarDIo, faT bUrn and the HearT raTe zone TraInInG programs.

1.Warm-upis a phase of low, gradually rising resistance, which brings the heart rate into the lower end of the target zone and increases respiration and blood flow to working muscles.

2.Plateau increases the intensity slightly and keeps it steady, to bring the heart rate to the low end of the target zone. Check the heart rate at the end of this phase.

3.Interval Training is a series of increasingly steeper hills alternating with valleys or stints of recovery. The heart rate should rise to the high end of the target zone. Check the heart rate at the end of this phase.

4Cool Down is a low-intensity phase that allows the body to begin removing lactic acid and other exercise by-products which build up in muscles and contribute to soreness.

Each column, as seen in the WORKOUT PROFILE WINDOW and the chart above, represents one interval. The overall duration of the workout determines the length of each interval. Each workout is made up of 20 intervals, so the duration of each interval is equal to the duration of the entire workout divided by 20.

1 to 9 minutes: A workout with a duration of less than 10 minutes is insufficient for the HIll program to complete all four phases adequately. The program therefore condenses a workout of this duration at various stages.

10 to 19 minutes: The interval durations initially are set at 30 seconds for a 10-minute workout. For every minute over 10, each interval increases by three seconds. A 15-minute workout consists of 20 intervals at 45 seconds each.

20 to 99 minutes: All intervals last 60 seconds. If the user adds minutes to the pre-set duration while the workout is in progress, the program adds hills and valleys that are identical to the first eight intervals of the Interval Training phase. This pattern repeats until the workout is completed.


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Contents Club Series Treadmill CST InternatIonal offICes Corporate HeadquartersTable of ConTenTs Page Club series Treadmill CsT GeTTInG sTarTeD IMPorTanT safeTy InsTrUCTIonsSaVe THese InsTrUCTIons for fUTUre referenCe DéMarraGe ConsIGnes De séCUrITé IMPorTanTesConserVer Ces InsTrUCTIons PoUr ToUT UsaGe UlTérIeUr SeTUP HoW To PosITIon anD sTabIlIze THe lIfe fITness TreaDMIll SerVICe aCCess PorT Console oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone oVerVIeW Console oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zoneConsole oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone DesCrIPTIons IPoD KeyPaD ReaDInG raCK anD aCCessory Trays Age Theoretical Maximum 65% 80% Heart rate Fat burn Cardio WHy HearT raTe zone TraInInG exerCIse?HearT raTe zone TraInInG HearT raTe MonITorInG WorKoUT oVerVIeWs WorKoUTsFITness TesTs PHysICal effICIenCy baTTery Peb U.S. fEDERAl lAW ENfoRCEMENTCarDIo Press Cardio Enter weight Enter time Enter age UsInG THe WorKoUTsWorKoUT DesCrIPTIons English Default Units Metric Default UnitsHIll Personal TraIner Zone TraInInG + HearT raTe InTerValTM ExTreMe HearT raTeTM FIT TesT 60+ WfI submax Protocol Submaximal VO2 PHysICal effICIenCy baTTery 1.5 milesMarInes PfT 3.0 miles AIr forCe PrT 1.5 milesLevel Incline MaxIMIzInG WorKoUTs on a lIfe fITness TreaDMIllCool DoWn EnTerInG anD UsInG THe serVICe MenU User MenU oPTIonal seTTInGsSetting Default Value Description ManaGer’s ConfIGUraTIon oPTIonal seTTInGsAble ProGraMMInG CUsToM WorKoUTs SaVInG a sTarT MessaGe PreVenTIVe MaInTenanCe TIPs SerVICe anD TeCHnICal DaTaWeeKlY MontHlY QuARteRlY Bi-AnnuAl DiSPlAY ConSole ASSeMBlY PreVenTIVe MaInTenanCe sCHeDUleMalfunction Probable Cause Corrective action TroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIllTension the Striding Belt TroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIll Ensure proper adherence Malfunction Probable Cause Corrective action TroUblesHooTInG THe IPoD Use iPod controls to navigate HoW To aDjUsT anD TensIon THe sTrIDInG belT ProaCTIVe belT Wear noTIfICaTIon HoW To obTaIn ProDUCT serVICe / serIal nUMber loCaTIonLIfe fITness CsT TreaDMIll sPeCIfICaTIons SPeCIfICaTIonsWarranTy CoVeraGe CsT TreaDMIll WHat Is CoVered WarranTy InforMaTIon