Life Fitness B098 operation manual Tension the Striding Belt

Page 41

TroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIll (Continued)


Probable Cause

Corrective action






Check levelers and level treadmill.

Striding belt slips off-center.

Floor surface is uneven.

Check striding belt & re-tension as

necessary. Refer to How to Adjust and





Tension the Striding Belt.





User is pushing striding belt. This oc-



curs when the runner is running faster



than the striding belt will travel, with



the result of the striding belt being



pushed with the runner’s feet.

Instruct users not to push striding belt





in either direction.


User is stalling striding belt.This will




occur with heavier users at lower strid-



ing belt speeds. The striding belt will


Maximum speed is reduced.

“stall” if the user is traveling slower


than the striding belt speed.








Striding belt/deck malfunctions. The



deck laminate is worn through or the

Replace belt and deck.


underside of striding belt is glazed




over (hard, glossy).






Power source is insufficient.

Plug treadmill into a 15 amp. circuit.






Inspect underneath striding belt and

Rubbing sound comes from

Foreign objects may be stuck under-

machine. Remove any debris or

underneath machine.

neath the machine.

objects that may cause interference



with the treadmill.




Display does not illuminate when

Loose 10 pin connection at display

Check all electrical connections for

proper attachment. Contact Life

machine is powered on.

console or DSP motor control board.

Fitness Customer Support Services.







Image 41
Contents Club Series Treadmill CST InternatIonal offICes Corporate HeadquartersTable of ConTenTs Page Club series Treadmill CsT GeTTInG sTarTeD IMPorTanT safeTy InsTrUCTIonsSaVe THese InsTrUCTIons for fUTUre referenCe DéMarraGe ConsIGnes De séCUrITé IMPorTanTesConserVer Ces InsTrUCTIons PoUr ToUT UsaGe UlTérIeUr SeTUP HoW To PosITIon anD sTabIlIze THe lIfe fITness TreaDMIll SerVICe aCCess PorT Console oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone oVerVIeW Console oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zoneConsole oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone DesCrIPTIons IPoD KeyPaD ReaDInG raCK anD aCCessory Trays Age Theoretical Maximum 65% 80% Heart rate Fat burn Cardio WHy HearT raTe zone TraInInG exerCIse?HearT raTe zone TraInInG HearT raTe MonITorInG WorKoUT oVerVIeWs WorKoUTsFITness TesTs PHysICal effICIenCy baTTery Peb U.S. fEDERAl lAW ENfoRCEMENTCarDIo Press Cardio Enter weight Enter time Enter age UsInG THe WorKoUTsWorKoUT DesCrIPTIons English Default Units Metric Default UnitsHIll Personal TraIner Zone TraInInG + HearT raTe InTerValTM ExTreMe HearT raTeTM FIT TesT 60+ MarInes PfT 3.0 miles PHysICal effICIenCy baTTery 1.5 milesAIr forCe PrT 1.5 miles WfI submax Protocol Submaximal VO2Level Incline MaxIMIzInG WorKoUTs on a lIfe fITness TreaDMIllCool DoWn EnTerInG anD UsInG THe serVICe MenU User MenU oPTIonal seTTInGsSetting Default Value Description ManaGer’s ConfIGUraTIon oPTIonal seTTInGsAble ProGraMMInG CUsToM WorKoUTs SaVInG a sTarT MessaGe PreVenTIVe MaInTenanCe TIPs SerVICe anD TeCHnICal DaTaWeeKlY MontHlY QuARteRlY Bi-AnnuAl DiSPlAY ConSole ASSeMBlY PreVenTIVe MaInTenanCe sCHeDUleMalfunction Probable Cause Corrective action TroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIllTension the Striding Belt TroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIll Ensure proper adherence Malfunction Probable Cause Corrective action TroUblesHooTInG THe IPoD Use iPod controls to navigate HoW To aDjUsT anD TensIon THe sTrIDInG belT ProaCTIVe belT Wear noTIfICaTIon HoW To obTaIn ProDUCT serVICe / serIal nUMber loCaTIonLIfe fITness CsT TreaDMIll sPeCIfICaTIons SPeCIfICaTIonsWarranTy CoVeraGe CsT TreaDMIll WHat Is CoVered WarranTy InforMaTIon