Life Fitness B098 operation manual SaVInG a sTarT MessaGe

Page 37

saVInG a sTarT MessaGe

To save the START MESSAGE, press ENTER. “MESSAGE SAVED” will appear in the message center confirming the message has been saved. To exit the start message setup without saving, press the clear key twice. “MESSAGE NOT SAVED” will appear in the MESSAGE CENTER confirming the message has not been saved.

erasInG a sTarT MessaGe

After entering the Manager’s Configuration (Optional Settings), scroll to the START MESSAGE SETUP option and press ENTER. Press ENTER to enter the current START MESSAGE. Press the COOL DOWN key to erase the current START MESSAGE. “MESSAGE ERASED” will appear in the MESSAGE CENTER stating the message has been erased.

MaraTHon MoDe

Marathon Mode has no preset or settable goal. It allows the user to workout indefinitely. A workout in Marathon Mode ends only if the user chooses to end it or a stop system is activated.

To enable the Marathon Mode, enter the Manager's Configuration (Optional Settings). Using the TIME UP / DOWN arrow keys, scroll to MARATHON MODE. Once MARATHON MODE appears in the Message Center, press any of the INCLINE or SPEED UP/DOWN arrow KEYS to toggle the mode from OFF to ON.

While setting up a workout, enter a time value greater than the upper limit displayed on the console. Once the upper time limit is exceeded, the message center will display MARATHON MODE.

Within a workout, Marathon Mode can be immediately ended by pressing the TIME Key. Pressing the TIME Key makes it possible to set a time goal as long as it's not less than the time already spent in the workout.

User lanGUaGe seleCT

If enabled, this option allows users to select the language by which to interact with the unit during a workout.

To enable the User language select option, enter the Manager’s Configuration (Optional Settings). Using the TIME UP / DOWN arrow keys, scroll to LANGUAGE SEL. Once LANGUAGE SEL appears in the Message Center, press any of the INCLINE or SPEED UP/DOWN arrow keys to toggle the mode from OFF to ON.

The console will display the message “SELECT LANGUAGE USING ARROW KEYS”. The user can select from a list of available languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and Russian) using any of the arrow keys. Press enter when the desired language appears to select that language. A workout can now be started using the selected language. Selecting a language is not necessary to begin a workout. Simply press the QUICK START key to start a work- out or any of the program keys to begin workout programming using the default language.


Image 37
Contents Club Series Treadmill CST InternatIonal offICes Corporate HeadquartersTable of ConTenTs Page Club series Treadmill CsT GeTTInG sTarTeD IMPorTanT safeTy InsTrUCTIonsSaVe THese InsTrUCTIons for fUTUre referenCe DéMarraGe ConsIGnes De séCUrITé IMPorTanTesConserVer Ces InsTrUCTIons PoUr ToUT UsaGe UlTérIeUr SeTUP HoW To PosITIon anD sTabIlIze THe lIfe fITness TreaDMIll SerVICe aCCess PorT Console oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone oVerVIeW Console oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zoneConsole oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone DesCrIPTIons IPoD KeyPaD ReaDInG raCK anD aCCessory Trays HearT raTe zone TraInInG WHy HearT raTe zone TraInInG exerCIse?Age Theoretical Maximum 65% 80% Heart rate Fat burn Cardio HearT raTe MonITorInG WorKoUT oVerVIeWs WorKoUTsFITness TesTs PHysICal effICIenCy baTTery Peb U.S. fEDERAl lAW ENfoRCEMENTCarDIo Press Cardio Enter weight Enter time Enter age UsInG THe WorKoUTsWorKoUT DesCrIPTIons English Default Units Metric Default UnitsHIll Personal TraIner Zone TraInInG + HearT raTe InTerValTM ExTreMe HearT raTeTM FIT TesT 60+ MarInes PfT 3.0 miles PHysICal effICIenCy baTTery 1.5 milesAIr forCe PrT 1.5 miles WfI submax Protocol Submaximal VO2Level Incline MaxIMIzInG WorKoUTs on a lIfe fITness TreaDMIllCool DoWn EnTerInG anD UsInG THe serVICe MenU User MenU oPTIonal seTTInGsSetting Default Value Description ManaGer’s ConfIGUraTIon oPTIonal seTTInGsAble ProGraMMInG CUsToM WorKoUTs SaVInG a sTarT MessaGe PreVenTIVe MaInTenanCe TIPs SerVICe anD TeCHnICal DaTaWeeKlY MontHlY QuARteRlY Bi-AnnuAl DiSPlAY ConSole ASSeMBlY PreVenTIVe MaInTenanCe sCHeDUleMalfunction Probable Cause Corrective action TroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIllTension the Striding Belt TroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIll Ensure proper adherence Malfunction Probable Cause Corrective action TroUblesHooTInG THe IPoD Use iPod controls to navigate HoW To aDjUsT anD TensIon THe sTrIDInG belT ProaCTIVe belT Wear noTIfICaTIon HoW To obTaIn ProDUCT serVICe / serIal nUMber loCaTIonLIfe fITness CsT TreaDMIll sPeCIfICaTIons SPeCIfICaTIonsWarranTy CoVeraGe CsT TreaDMIll WHat Is CoVered WarranTy InforMaTIon