Life Fitness B098 ManaGer’s ConfIGUraTIon oPTIonal seTTInGs, Setting Default Value Description

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5.2ManaGers ConfIGUraTIon (oPTIonal seTTInGs)


Default Value




This option allow for the setting of a new default

language for user and service messages.






Maximum Workout Duration

60 Minutes

This feature allows the setting of maximum workout

duration limits.






English / Metric Units


This option sets the measurement unit type for weight,

(International: Metric)

distance, and speed.





Custom Workout Entry

None Defined

This feature allows for creation or modification of six

custom personal trainer workouts.








Switching on the telemetry feature makes it possible to



use the Polar®-compatible Heart Rate Zone Training

exercise Polar telemetry heart rate chest strap for





monitoring the heart rate.




Maximum Speed

12.0 mph

This option allows for setting the fastest speed at which

(International: 19 kph)

the treadmill can operate.





Minimum Speed

0.5 mph

This option allows for setting the slowest speed at which

(International: 0.8 kph)

the treadmill can operate.





Pause Timeout

1 Minute

This sets the maximum time during which a workout can

remain in pause mode.






WATTS Display

Off (International: on)

If this option is enabled, the MESSAGE CENTER

displays the Watts equivalent of the step rate.






METS Display


If this option is enabled, the MESSAGE CENTER

displays the METs equivalent of the step rate.






Pace Display


If this option is enabled, the rate of minutes per mile is







Calorie Per Hour (CPH)


If this option is enabled, the MESSAGE CENTER

On (International: off)

displays the number of calories burned per hour during



the workout.








If this option is enabled, the total distance climbed,

Distance Climbed


based on the incline and speed of the treadmill, is









This sets the rate at which the treadmill accelerates to

Acceleration Rate


the selected speed, ranging from one (slowest) to five









This sets the rate at which the treadmill decelerates to

Deceleration Rate


the selected speed, ranging from one (slowest) to



five (fastest).





Image 34
Contents Club Series Treadmill CST Corporate Headquarters InternatIonal offICesTable of ConTenTs Page Club series Treadmill CsT IMPorTanT safeTy InsTrUCTIons GeTTInG sTarTeDSaVe THese InsTrUCTIons for fUTUre referenCe ConsIGnes De séCUrITé IMPorTanTes DéMarraGeConserVer Ces InsTrUCTIons PoUr ToUT UsaGe UlTérIeUr SeTUP HoW To PosITIon anD sTabIlIze THe lIfe fITness TreaDMIll SerVICe aCCess PorT Console oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone Console oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone oVerVIeWConsole oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone DesCrIPTIons IPoD KeyPaD ReaDInG raCK anD aCCessory Trays HearT raTe zone TraInInG WHy HearT raTe zone TraInInG exerCIse?Age Theoretical Maximum 65% 80% Heart rate Fat burn Cardio HearT raTe MonITorInG WorKoUTs WorKoUT oVerVIeWsPHysICal effICIenCy baTTery Peb U.S. fEDERAl lAW ENfoRCEMENT FITness TesTsUsInG THe WorKoUTs CarDIo Press Cardio Enter weight Enter time Enter ageEnglish Default Units Metric Default Units WorKoUT DesCrIPTIonsHIll Personal TraIner Zone TraInInG + HearT raTe InTerValTM ExTreMe HearT raTeTM FIT TesT 60+ AIr forCe PrT 1.5 miles PHysICal effICIenCy baTTery 1.5 milesMarInes PfT 3.0 miles WfI submax Protocol Submaximal VO2MaxIMIzInG WorKoUTs on a lIfe fITness TreaDMIll Level InclineCool DoWn User MenU oPTIonal seTTInGs EnTerInG anD UsInG THe serVICe MenUManaGer’s ConfIGUraTIon oPTIonal seTTInGs Setting Default Value DescriptionAble ProGraMMInG CUsToM WorKoUTs SaVInG a sTarT MessaGe SerVICe anD TeCHnICal DaTa PreVenTIVe MaInTenanCe TIPsPreVenTIVe MaInTenanCe sCHeDUle WeeKlY MontHlY QuARteRlY Bi-AnnuAl DiSPlAY ConSole ASSeMBlYTroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIll Malfunction Probable Cause Corrective actionTension the Striding Belt TroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIll Ensure proper adherence Malfunction Probable Cause Corrective action TroUblesHooTInG THe IPoD Use iPod controls to navigate HoW To aDjUsT anD TensIon THe sTrIDInG belT HoW To obTaIn ProDUCT serVICe / serIal nUMber loCaTIon ProaCTIVe belT Wear noTIfICaTIonSPeCIfICaTIons LIfe fITness CsT TreaDMIll sPeCIfICaTIonsWarranTy InforMaTIon WarranTy CoVeraGe CsT TreaDMIll WHat Is CoVered