Life Fitness B098 operation manual HearT raTe MonITorInG

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3.2HearT raTe MonITorInG

THe lIfePUlseTM sysTeM

To use the treadmill’s LifepulseTM system to check the heart rate during a workout, grasp the stainless steel sensors on the ErgoTM front handlebar. Two sensors are located on each of the handlebars. Contact must be maintained with all four sen- sors to obtain a heart rate. The console displays a heart rate within 20 to 30 seconds of contact with the sensors.

Do not attempt to grasp the sensors at speeds above 4.5 mph or 7.2 kph. For these speeds, the use of a heart rate chest strap is recommended.

THe oPTIonal Polar® TeleMeTry HearT raTe CHesT sTraP

The Life Fitness Treadmill is equipped with Polar® telemetry, a heart rate monitoring system in which electrodes, pressed against the skin, transfer heart rate signals to the treadmill console. These electrodes are attached to a chest strap that the user wears during the workout. The Polar telemetry heart rate chest strap is optional. Contact Life Fitness Customer Support Services to order.

See the diagram below for correct positioning of the Polar telemetry heart rate chest strap. The electrodes (A), which are the two grooved surfaces on the underside of the strap, must remain wet to transmit accurately the electrical impulses of the heart back to the receiver. Moisten the electrodes. Then, secure the Polar telemetry heart rate chest strap as high under the chest muscles as possible. The strap should be snug, but comfortable enough to allow for normal breathing.

The transmitter strap delivers an optimal heart rate reading when the electrodes are in direct contact with bare skin. How- ever, it functions properly through a thin layer of wet clothing.

If it becomes necessary to re-moisten the Polar telemetry heart rate chest strap electrodes, grasp the center of the strap, pull it away from the chest to expose the two electrodes, and re-moisten them.

During the setup of a heart rate zone training workout, the user will be required to enter a start-up speed. If a Polar teleme- try heart rate chest strap is not detected, the maximum allowable speed is 4.5 mph. If a Polar telemetry heart rate chest strap is detected, the maximum speed is 12 mph.



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Contents Club Series Treadmill CST Corporate Headquarters InternatIonal offICesTable of ConTenTs Page Club series Treadmill CsT IMPorTanT safeTy InsTrUCTIons GeTTInG sTarTeDSaVe THese InsTrUCTIons for fUTUre referenCe ConsIGnes De séCUrITé IMPorTanTes DéMarraGeConserVer Ces InsTrUCTIons PoUr ToUT UsaGe UlTérIeUr SeTUP HoW To PosITIon anD sTabIlIze THe lIfe fITness TreaDMIll SerVICe aCCess PorT Console oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone Console oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone oVerVIeWConsole oVerlay anD aCTIVITy zone DesCrIPTIons IPoD KeyPaD ReaDInG raCK anD aCCessory Trays WHy HearT raTe zone TraInInG exerCIse? HearT raTe zone TraInInGAge Theoretical Maximum 65% 80% Heart rate Fat burn Cardio HearT raTe MonITorInG WorKoUTs WorKoUT oVerVIeWsPHysICal effICIenCy baTTery Peb U.S. fEDERAl lAW ENfoRCEMENT FITness TesTsUsInG THe WorKoUTs CarDIo Press Cardio Enter weight Enter time Enter ageEnglish Default Units Metric Default Units WorKoUT DesCrIPTIonsHIll Personal TraIner Zone TraInInG + HearT raTe InTerValTM ExTreMe HearT raTeTM FIT TesT 60+ AIr forCe PrT 1.5 miles PHysICal effICIenCy baTTery 1.5 milesMarInes PfT 3.0 miles WfI submax Protocol Submaximal VO2MaxIMIzInG WorKoUTs on a lIfe fITness TreaDMIll Level InclineCool DoWn User MenU oPTIonal seTTInGs EnTerInG anD UsInG THe serVICe MenUManaGer’s ConfIGUraTIon oPTIonal seTTInGs Setting Default Value DescriptionAble ProGraMMInG CUsToM WorKoUTs SaVInG a sTarT MessaGe SerVICe anD TeCHnICal DaTa PreVenTIVe MaInTenanCe TIPsPreVenTIVe MaInTenanCe sCHeDUle WeeKlY MontHlY QuARteRlY Bi-AnnuAl DiSPlAY ConSole ASSeMBlYTroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIll Malfunction Probable Cause Corrective actionTension the Striding Belt TroUblesHooTInG THe TreaDMIll Ensure proper adherence Malfunction Probable Cause Corrective action TroUblesHooTInG THe IPoD Use iPod controls to navigate HoW To aDjUsT anD TensIon THe sTrIDInG belT HoW To obTaIn ProDUCT serVICe / serIal nUMber loCaTIon ProaCTIVe belT Wear noTIfICaTIonSPeCIfICaTIons LIfe fITness CsT TreaDMIll sPeCIfICaTIonsWarranTy InforMaTIon WarranTy CoVeraGe CsT TreaDMIll WHat Is CoVered