7.2WarranTy InforMaTIon
WarranTy CoVeraGe: CsT TreaDMIll
WHat Is CoVered:
This Life Fitness consumer exercise equipment (“Product”) is warranted to be free of all defects in material and workmanship.
WHo Is CoVered:
The original purchaser or any person receiving the Product as a gift from the original purchaser.
HoW lonG Is It CoVered:
All coverage is provided by specific Product according to the guidelines listed on the chart accompanying this warranty card.
WHo paYs transportatIon & InsuranCe for serVICe:
If the Product or any covered part must be returned to a service facility for re- pairs, We, Life Fitness, will pay all transportation and insurance charges for the
first year. You are responsible for transportation and insurance charges during the second and third years (if applicable).
WHat We WIll do to CorreCt CoVered defeCts:
We will ship to you any new or rebuilt replacement part or component, or, at our option, replace the Product. Such replacement parts are warranted for the re- maining portion of the original warranty period.
WHat Is not CoVered:
Any failures or damage caused by unauthorized service, misuse, accident, neg- ligence, improper assembly or installation, debris resulting from any construction activities in the Product’s environment, rust or corrosion as a result of the Prod- uct’s location, alterations or modifications without our written authorization or by failure on your part to use, operate and maintain the Product as set out in your Operation Manual (“Manual”).
Two type RJ45 interchangeable Network ready and Fitness Entertainment ports are supplied with the Product. These ports comply with the FitLinxx CSAFE specification dated August 4, 2004 stating: 4.75VDC to 10VDC; maximum cur- rent of 85mA. Any Product damage caused by a load exceeding this FitLinxx CSAFE specification is not covered by warranty.
All terms of this warranty are void if this product is moved beyond the continental borders of the United States of America (excluding Alaska, Hawaii and Canada) and are then subject to the terms provided by that country’s local authorized Life Fitness representative.
WHat You must do:
retain proof of purchase (our receipt of the attached registration card assures registration of purchase information but is not required);
use, operate and maintain the Product as specified in the Manual;
notify Customer Support Services of any defect within 10 days after discovery of the defect; if instructed,
return any defective part for replacement or, if necessary, the entire Product for repair.
operatIon manual:
It is VerY Important tHat You read tHe manual before operating the Product. Remember to perform the periodic maintenance requirements specified in the Manual to assure proper operation and your continued satisfaction.
HoW to Get replaCement parts & serVICe:
Simply call Customer Support Services at (800)
Before shipping:
1.obtain a return authorization Number (RA#) from Customer Support Serv- ices
2.securely pack your console (use the original shipping carton, if possible)
3.write the ra# on the outside of the carton
4.insure the console, and
5.include a letter explaining the defect or problem and a copy of your proof of purchase if you believe the service is covered by warranty
eXClusIVe WarrantY:
THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIM- ITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABIL- ITIES ON OUR PART. We neither assume nor authorize any person to assure for us any other obligation or liability concerning the sale of this Product. Under no circumstances shall we be liable under this warranty, or otherwise, of any damage to any person or property, including any lost profits or lost savings, for any special, indirect, secondary, incidental or consequential damages of any na- ture arising out of the use of or inability to use this Product. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
CHanGes In WarrantY not autHorIZed:
No one is authorized to change, modify or extend the terms of this limited war- ranty.
effeCt of state laWs:
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.
our pledGe to You:
Our Products are designed and manufactured to the highest standards.
We want you completely satisfied with our Products and will do everything possi- ble under the terms of this warranty to keep you secure in knowing you have bought the best!
CSt treadmill
7 Year
3lifespringTM Shock Ab- sorbers
3Drive Motor
2 Years
(i.e. PCBs such as motor controller and console board)
1 Year
3Mechanical (i.e. belt and deck)
6 Months
3Console overlay
3line Cord
3Plastic Parts