Life Fitness equipment is backed by the engineering excellence of Life Fitness. Commercial Life Fitness product s have proven to be durable in health clubs, colleges, and milit ary facilities the world over.
NOTE: The safety of the equipment can be maintained only if the equipment is examined regularly for damage or wear. Keep the equipment out of use until defective parts are repaired or replaced. Pay special attention to parts that are sub- ject to wear as outlined in the Preventive Maintenance Schedule.
REMARQUE : pour conserver un matériel sûr, il convient de l'inspecter régulièrement afin de déceler tout signe d'usure ou d'endommagement. N'utilisez pas l'appareil tant que les pièces défectueuses n'ont pas été réparées ou remplacées. Portez une attention toute particulière aux pièces qui s'usent, comme indiqué
The following preventive maintenance tips will keep your Life Fitness exercise equipment operating at peak perfor- mance:
•Locate the Life Fitness exercise equipment in a cool, dry place.
•Keep the display console free of fingerprint s and salt
•Use a 100% cotton cloth, lightly moistened with water and mild liquid detergent, to clean the Life Fitness exercise equipment. Other fabrics, including paper towels, may scratch the surface. Do not use ammonia, chlorine, or acid- based cleaners.
•Long fingernails may damage or scratch the surface of the console; use the p ad of the finger to press the selection buttons on the console.
•Clean the housing and moving arms thoroughly on a regular basis.
NOTE: When cleaning the exterior of the unit, a