Spinning® Instructor Education
Instructor Education
nce, Resistance And Intensity:
standing the relationship between cadence, resistance and intensity is the key to Spinning am classes that meet training goals. By using the Spinner® computer, you will become mor ent at increasing power, gaining efficient leg speed and mastering the relationship betwee esistance and heart rate intensity.
Rate Monitoring:
e discussing cadence and how to use the Spinning® Computer effectively, one needs an standing of heart rate monitoring. Heart rate monitors are used in the Spinning® program uous feedback on exercise intensity. For effective training, it is desirable sometimes to exe erobic intensity and aerobic intensity at some other times. Heart rates are used to tell whe n is in aerobic or anaerobic intensity. Generally speaking, when heart rate is between 65 % of one’s maximum heart rate (MHR) it is aerobic, and is anaerobic when the heart rate is ab An easy way to estimate one’s maximum heart rate is to use the