Polar M91TI user manual Subtract the total calorie expenditure amount

Page 32

Setting heart rate limits manually


Setting height


Setting measurement options


Setting sex


Setting the alarm


Setting the date


Setting the time of day


Setting user 1 or 2


Setting user information


Setting weight


Sound signal On/OFF


Start the heart rate measurement


Start/stop the stopwatch


Stop the heart rate measurement


Subtract the total calorie expenditure amount


Swap the heart rate limits


Swap the user


Technical specifications





man M91ti USA A


13/11/00, 12:02

Image 32
Contents USER’S Manual Man M91ti USA a 13/11/00 Contents Reset Scroll UP Scroll Down Getting GoingA R T R a T E M O N I T O R P a R T S T T O N S a N D T H E I R F U N C T I O N SHOW to Prepare the Wrist Receiver HOW to PUT the Transmitter onHOW to Start Measuring Your Heart Rate S Y S T a R THOW to Stop Measuring Your Heart Rate D E S a N D T H E I R F U N C T I O N SAfter Exercising Time of DAYSettings Setting User 1 orE R I N F O R M a T I O N FileSetting Weight Setting HeightSetting AGE Setting SEXSetting Activity Level Setting heart rate limits manually. orChoose from the following two alternatives to continue Selecting OwnzoneTurning the Owncal Calorie Counter ON/OFF Setting Heart Rate Limits ManuallyOwnCal calorie counter On/OFF by pressing Turning Polar Fitness Test ON/OFF FIT. Test On or OFF is displayedT T I N G T H E W a T C H Setting the AlarmSetting the Time of DAY Setting the Date Month or DAY is displayed First digits start to flashYear is displayed Digits for the year start to flash Watch SET is displayedMeasurement To stop the heart rate measurementOwnzone OZ appears in the display Stopwatch starts runningReset the stopwatch N Z O N E M E T H O D SQUIT? appears in the display OZ appears on the displayFunctions During E Y O U R H E a R T R a T EL U M I N a T E T H E D I S P L a Y A P T H E U S E RTo reset the stopwatch to zero E C K Y O U R H E a R T R a T E L I M I T SA P T H E H E a R T R a T E L I M I T S Stopwatch ExerciseStop the Heart Rate Measurement Recalling Training InformationT E Heart rate measurement stopsL O R I E S E X P E N D E D To reset the total calorie expenditure count to zeroTo reset the cumulative exercise time count to zero Ownindex T E S T O W N I N D ET N E S S T E S T S E T T I N G S SET the Activity LevelSET the Fitness Test Mode on R R Y I N G O U T T H E T E S TPrepare the Wrist Receiver Relax Yourself for 1-3 MinutesMEN Women T N E S S T E S T R E S U L TClasses If it is wet T T E R I E SR V I C E T E R F E R E N C E PrecautionsV I R O N M E N T Frequently Asked Questions Dont Know Where I AM in the Options or File CYCLE?Heart Symbol Flashes IRREGULARLY? There is no Heart Rate Reading -?Heart Rate Reading Becomes Erratic or Extremely HIGH? There are no Reactions to ANY BUTTONS?Battery of the Wrist Receiver Must be REPLACED? Polar TransmitterElastic Strap Wrist ReceiverDefault Settings Limit ValuesPolar Glossary Display SymbolsDisclaimer Index Display TextsSubtract the total calorie expenditure amount File Time of DAY Options Test Measure Press OK Press Scroll up Press Scroll down