Horizon Fitness B30 Other Safety Tips for Your Horizon Fitness Upright Bike, Operation, Children

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If you experience chest pains, nausea, dizziness or shortness of breath, stop exercising immediately and consult your physician before continuing.

Do not turn pedals by hand.

Do not wear clothing that might catch on any part of the upright bike.

Make sure handlebars are secure before each use.

Read the owner's guide before operating this upright bike.

Maintain a comfortable pace. Do not ‘sprint’ above 125 rpms on this machine.

To maintain balance it is recommended to keep a grip on the handlebars while exercising, mounting or dismounting the machine.


It is essential that your upright bike is used only indoors, in a climate controlled room. If your upright bike has been exposed to colder temperatures or high moisture climates, it is strongly recommended that the upright bike is warmed up to room temperature before first time use. Failure to do so may cause premature electronic failure.


Keep children off of your upright bike at all times.

When the upright bike is in use, young children and pets should be kept at least 10 feet away.


Clean with soap and slightly damp cloth only. Never use solvents.


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Contents R I G H T B I K E B L E O F C O N T E N T S Quick Start UP Horizon B30 Display Horizon B30P O R T a N T S a F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S Other Safety Tips for Your Horizon Fitness Upright Bike CleaningOperation ChildrenAssembly CONGRATULATIONS! on choosing a Horizon Series upright bikeWarranty Registration Power T T I N G S T a R T E DMoving Console Grip Pulse Handle BAR Tension Knob O W Y O U R U P R I G H T B I K EMast Reset Quick Start UPO G R a M M I N G Selecting Optional FeedbackStarting Your Workout Finishing Your WorkoutS P L a Y Speakersconsole Handle BAR Grip Pulse Seat Mast POP PINLocating the Speaker Input Jack CD/MP3 Player Holder ResetSpeaker Input Jack RPM Resistance WattsHeart Rate ProfileN I T O R I N G Y O U R H E a R T R a T E FeedbackHeart Rate Handlebar Telemetric Chest TransmitterChoosing Your Weight Choosing a ProgramChoosing a Resistance Choosing a TimeO G R a M P R O F I L E S Rock Climb RaceAdventure 1 User Program Adventure 2 User ProgramCross Country Time defaults to 30 minutes After Burner Time defaults to 30 minutes Rock Climb Time defaults to 30 minutes I N G Y O U R R a C E P R O G R a M Chest Strap Transmitter Placement Moistening the Electrodes I N G Y O U R P U L S E Z o n e T M P R O G R a MI N G Y O U R a D V E N T U R E P R O G R a M L S E Z o n e T M C H a R T Target Heart Rate ZoneTroubleshooting Y O U R U P R I G H T B I K E A R T R a T E TroubleshootingHorizon Series M M O N P R O D U C T Q U E S T I O N S Are the Sounds MY Upright Bike Makes NORMAL?HOW Long will the Drive Belt LAST? Can I Move the Upright Bike Easily Once IT is ASSEMBLED?HOW OFTEN? E R C I S E G U I D E L I N E SHOW LONG? U T I N E M a I N T E N a N C E HOW HARD? Perceived Exertion LevelV E L O P I N G a F I T N E S S P R O G R a M Stretch FirstWall Push Standing Quadriceps StretchWarm UP E I M P O R T a N C E O F W a R M U P D C O O L D O W NCool Down H I E V I N G Y O U R F I T N E S S G O a L S Keeping AN Exercise DiaryE K L Y L O G S H E E T N T H L Y L O G S H E E T M I T E D H O M E U S E W a R R a N T Y Designed for life.TM