Horizon Fitness B20, B30 manual I N G Y O U R P U L S E Z o n e T M P R O G R a M

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U S I N G Y O U R P U L S E Z o n e T M P R O G R A M

The Pulse Zone Program is designed to keep the user at an optimum exercise level, while adjusting the resistance levels to keep the user at a target heart rate. To choose the Pulse Zone Program, follow these instructions. (B30 only)

1.Choose the Pulse Zone Program by pressing the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ buttons. Press ‘Enter’.

2.Determine your target Pulse Zone by using the heart rate chart (reference target heart rate Pulse Zone chart in table of contents). Choose your target pulse zone by pressing the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ but- tons. Your target pulse zone should be set at a number that you will be able to exercise throughout the majority of your workout.

3.The Pulse Zone Program will have a 5 minute warm-up period before it will start adjusting the resistance levels to get you to your target pulse zone.

4.After the 5 minute warm-up period, the resistance levels will increase gradually to get the user to the selected target pulse zone. Once the user is at the target pulse zone; plus or minus 5 beats, the resistance level will remain at the current resistance level.

5.If the actual heart rate of the user is above the target pulse zone, the resistance levels will grad- ually begin decreasing to keep the user in the target pulse zone. If the user is more than 25 beats above the target pulse zone, the console will shut down for safety purposes.

6.The last 5 minutes of the program will be dedicated to a cool-down period. At this time, the pro- gram will gradually decrease the resistance level to give the user a smooth and easy cool down.

NOTE: The chest strap is required to use the Target Pulse Zone Program







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Contents R I G H T B I K E Quick Start UP Horizon B30 Display Horizon B30 B L E O F C O N T E N T SP O R T a N T S a F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S Cleaning Other Safety Tips for Your Horizon Fitness Upright BikeOperation ChildrenCONGRATULATIONS! on choosing a Horizon Series upright bike AssemblyWarranty Registration T T I N G S T a R T E D PowerMoving Console Grip Pulse Handle BAR Tension Knob O W Y O U R U P R I G H T B I K EMast Quick Start UP ResetSelecting Optional Feedback O G R a M M I N GStarting Your Workout Finishing Your WorkoutS P L a Y Seat Mast POP PIN Speakersconsole Handle BAR Grip PulseLocating the Speaker Input Jack CD/MP3 Player Holder ResetSpeaker Input Jack RPM Watts ResistanceHeart Rate ProfileFeedback N I T O R I N G Y O U R H E a R T R a T EHeart Rate Handlebar Telemetric Chest TransmitterChoosing a Program Choosing Your WeightChoosing a Resistance Choosing a TimeO G R a M P R O F I L E S Race Rock ClimbAdventure 1 User Program Adventure 2 User ProgramCross Country Time defaults to 30 minutes After Burner Time defaults to 30 minutes Rock Climb Time defaults to 30 minutes I N G Y O U R R a C E P R O G R a M I N G Y O U R P U L S E Z o n e T M P R O G R a M Chest Strap Transmitter Placement Moistening the ElectrodesI N G Y O U R a D V E N T U R E P R O G R a M Target Heart Rate Zone L S E Z o n e T M C H a R TA R T R a T E Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Y O U R U P R I G H T B I K EHorizon Series Are the Sounds MY Upright Bike Makes NORMAL? M M O N P R O D U C T Q U E S T I O N SHOW Long will the Drive Belt LAST? Can I Move the Upright Bike Easily Once IT is ASSEMBLED?HOW OFTEN? E R C I S E G U I D E L I N E SHOW LONG? U T I N E M a I N T E N a N C E Perceived Exertion Level HOW HARD?Stretch First V E L O P I N G a F I T N E S S P R O G R a MWall Push Standing Quadriceps StretchWarm UP E I M P O R T a N C E O F W a R M U P D C O O L D O W NCool Down Keeping AN Exercise Diary H I E V I N G Y O U R F I T N E S S G O a L SE K L Y L O G S H E E T N T H L Y L O G S H E E T M I T E D H O M E U S E W a R R a N T Y Designed for life.TM