Horizon Fitness B30, B20 V E L O P I N G a F I T N E S S P R O G R a M, Stretch First, Wall Push

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Before using your Horizon Fitness product, it is best to take a few minutes doing a few gentle stretch- ing exercises. Stretching prior to exercise will improve flexibility and reduce chances of exercise related injury. Ease into each of these stretches with a slow gentle motion. Do not stretch to the point of pain. Make sure not to bounce while doing these stretches.


Stand near a wall with the toes of one foot about 18" from the wall, and the other foot about 12" behind the other foot. Lean forward, pushing against the wall with your palms. Keep your heels flat and hold this position for a count of 15 seconds. Make sure that you do not bounce while stretching. Alternate positions of your feet and repeat for a total of 8 repetitions.


Using a wall to provide balance, grasp your left ankle with your left hand and hold your foot against the back of your thigh for a count of 15 seconds. Repeat with your right ankle and hand, and contin- ue alternating for a total of 8 repetitions.


Sit on the floor with your legs together and straight out in front of you. Do not lock your knees. Extend your fingers towards your toes and hold for a count of 15 seconds. Make sure that you do not bounce while stretching. Sit upright again. Repeat for a total of 8 repetitions.


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Contents R I G H T B I K E B L E O F C O N T E N T S Quick Start UP Horizon B30 Display Horizon B30P O R T a N T S a F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S Operation Other Safety Tips for Your Horizon Fitness Upright BikeCleaning ChildrenAssembly CONGRATULATIONS! on choosing a Horizon Series upright bikeWarranty Registration Power T T I N G S T a R T E DMoving Console Grip Pulse Handle BAR Tension Knob O W Y O U R U P R I G H T B I K EMast Reset Quick Start UPStarting Your Workout O G R a M M I N GSelecting Optional Feedback Finishing Your WorkoutS P L a Y Speakersconsole Handle BAR Grip Pulse Seat Mast POP PINLocating the Speaker Input Jack CD/MP3 Player Holder ResetSpeaker Input Jack RPM Heart Rate ResistanceWatts ProfileHeart Rate Handlebar N I T O R I N G Y O U R H E a R T R a T EFeedback Telemetric Chest TransmitterChoosing a Resistance Choosing Your WeightChoosing a Program Choosing a TimeO G R a M P R O F I L E S Adventure 1 User Program Rock ClimbRace Adventure 2 User ProgramCross Country Time defaults to 30 minutes After Burner Time defaults to 30 minutes Rock Climb Time defaults to 30 minutes I N G Y O U R R a C E P R O G R a M Chest Strap Transmitter Placement Moistening the Electrodes I N G Y O U R P U L S E Z o n e T M P R O G R a MI N G Y O U R a D V E N T U R E P R O G R a M L S E Z o n e T M C H a R T Target Heart Rate ZoneTroubleshooting Y O U R U P R I G H T B I K E A R T R a T E TroubleshootingHorizon Series HOW Long will the Drive Belt LAST? M M O N P R O D U C T Q U E S T I O N SAre the Sounds MY Upright Bike Makes NORMAL? Can I Move the Upright Bike Easily Once IT is ASSEMBLED?HOW OFTEN? E R C I S E G U I D E L I N E SHOW LONG? U T I N E M a I N T E N a N C E HOW HARD? Perceived Exertion LevelWall Push V E L O P I N G a F I T N E S S P R O G R a MStretch First Standing Quadriceps StretchWarm UP E I M P O R T a N C E O F W a R M U P D C O O L D O W NCool Down H I E V I N G Y O U R F I T N E S S G O a L S Keeping AN Exercise DiaryE K L Y L O G S H E E T N T H L Y L O G S H E E T M I T E D H O M E U S E W a R R a N T Y Designed for life.TM