Horizon Fitness B30, B20 manual Warranty Registration

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Before proceeding, find your upright bike’s serial number and model name located on the front foot tube and enter it in the space provided below:



Refer to this number when calling for service, and also enter this serial number on your Warranty Card and in your own records. Be sure to read the Safety Instructions and complete Owner’s Guide before using your new Horizon Fitness upright bike.


Your warranty card must be completed and sent to Horizon Fitness within thirty days of purchase or reg- istered on line at www.horizonfitness.com, before a warranty claim can be processed. Please keep receipt with owner’s guide as it may be required for a warranty claim. Make sure to send in warranty registra- tion card to valuate your warranty.


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Contents R I G H T B I K E B L E O F C O N T E N T S Quick Start UP Horizon B30 Display Horizon B30P O R T a N T S a F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S Operation Other Safety Tips for Your Horizon Fitness Upright BikeCleaning ChildrenAssembly CONGRATULATIONS! on choosing a Horizon Series upright bikeWarranty Registration Power T T I N G S T a R T E DMoving O W Y O U R U P R I G H T B I K E Console Grip Pulse Handle BAR Tension KnobMast Reset Quick Start UPStarting Your Workout O G R a M M I N GSelecting Optional Feedback Finishing Your WorkoutS P L a Y Speakersconsole Handle BAR Grip Pulse Seat Mast POP PINCD/MP3 Player Holder Reset Locating the Speaker Input JackSpeaker Input Jack RPM Heart Rate ResistanceWatts ProfileHeart Rate Handlebar N I T O R I N G Y O U R H E a R T R a T EFeedback Telemetric Chest TransmitterChoosing a Resistance Choosing Your WeightChoosing a Program Choosing a TimeO G R a M P R O F I L E S Adventure 1 User Program Rock ClimbRace Adventure 2 User ProgramCross Country Time defaults to 30 minutes After Burner Time defaults to 30 minutes Rock Climb Time defaults to 30 minutes I N G Y O U R R a C E P R O G R a M Chest Strap Transmitter Placement Moistening the Electrodes I N G Y O U R P U L S E Z o n e T M P R O G R a MI N G Y O U R a D V E N T U R E P R O G R a M L S E Z o n e T M C H a R T Target Heart Rate ZoneTroubleshooting Y O U R U P R I G H T B I K E A R T R a T E TroubleshootingHorizon Series HOW Long will the Drive Belt LAST? M M O N P R O D U C T Q U E S T I O N SAre the Sounds MY Upright Bike Makes NORMAL? Can I Move the Upright Bike Easily Once IT is ASSEMBLED?E R C I S E G U I D E L I N E S HOW OFTEN?HOW LONG? U T I N E M a I N T E N a N C E HOW HARD? Perceived Exertion LevelWall Push V E L O P I N G a F I T N E S S P R O G R a MStretch First Standing Quadriceps StretchE I M P O R T a N C E O F W a R M U P D C O O L D O W N Warm UPCool Down H I E V I N G Y O U R F I T N E S S G O a L S Keeping AN Exercise DiaryE K L Y L O G S H E E T N T H L Y L O G S H E E T M I T E D H O M E U S E W a R R a N T Y Designed for life.TM