Whirlpool RGL4634BL2 warranty Removing accumulated, Lint, Electrical Shock Hazard

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Removing accumulated

Lint can gather inside the dryer and be a fuel for fire. Lint should be removed every 2 to 3 years, or more often, depending on dryer usage. Cleaning should be done by a quali- fied person. In the U.S.A., if you have questions, please call our toll-free number:


For all electric dryers, or gas dryers which have a lower front access panel

NOTE: See page 15 if your dryer is gas and has a full front panel.

1.Unplug the power supply cord or turn off the electrical power.

2.Remove back panel (electric) or lower front access panel (gas). See the Installa- tion Instructions.

3.Remove lint from shaded area in illustra- tion with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner. Avoid damaging wires, thermostats (electric), funnel (gas), or ignitor (gas).

4.Replace panel.

5.Reconnect and level dryer again, if necessary.


Electrical Shock Hazard

l Unplug the power supply cord or turn off the electrical power before remov- ing dryer panels.

l Make sure the dryer is cool.

l Dryer parts can have sharp edges. Use care when handling.

l When replacing front panel after lint removal, the wire clips holding the door switch wires must be anchored to top of front and side panels. Wires MUST NOT touch rotating drum. (See page 15, Step 7.)

Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury

Thermostats Heater Heat element

n box terminals

Electric dryer with back panel removed

Ges dryer with lower front access panel removed


Image 14
Contents UseAndCare Requesting AssistanceU.S.A., call our toll-free Thank you for buying a Ropep appliancePlease record your model’s information Number Hours a dayYour safety is important to us Dryer SafetyImportant Safety 1NSTRUCTlONS On nextImnortant SafbW Instructions Your responsibilitiesOther doors Parts and FeaturesOther features not shown Starting your dryer Operating Your DryerBefore starting your dryer Stopping/restarting your dryerCycle descriptions Selecting the right cycle and settingDrying guidelines Timed CyclesWrinkle PREVENT’= Understanding the End-of-Cycle signalOn some models Knits Drying cycles chartPermanent Press DELICATES’Delicate Fabrics No Heat/Fluff or Air cycle, or line dryingFire Hazard RUBBER, PLASTIC, HEAT-SENSTnVE FabricsUsing the drying rack Available as an accessory on some modelsCaring for Your Dryer Cleaning the lint screenLint Signal Vacation care Cleaning the dryer interiorTo clean dryer drum Explosion HazardElectrical Shock Hazard Removing accumulatedLint Remove screws before opening top Choosing load sizes Laundry TipsSorting clothes Drying tipsUsing dryer fabric softeners Saving energyBlankets and woolens Drying special-care itemsItems Diapers, baby clothes Elastic itemsJackets Napped ItemsQuilted, down- filled terns Tinted, dyed, or noncolorfast items Washable knits‘ROBLEM TroubleshootingCommon laundry problems CauseCommon dryer problems If you need FSP Replacement parts Requesting Assistance or ServiceIf you need service If you are not satisfied with how the problem was solvedDryer Warranty, U.S.A RoperCdmo Operar la Secadora Mensaje Para el usuarioPartes y Caracterlsticas CuidadoExportador Secadoras Ektricas y a GasModelo RGL Lmportador Especificaciones ThnicasPor favor anote la siguiente informacibn Mensaje para el usuarioAgradecemos la compra de un electrodomiktico Ropep Su seguridad es importante para nosotros Seguridad deLa Secadora Instrucciones Importantes DE Seguridad Continlia en la pAgina siguienteEs responsabilidad del usuario Otros dispositivos que no se muestran Partes y CaracterkticasOtras puertas Page Peligro de lncendio Lnstrucciones de instalacihRequisitos del suministro de gas U17 Peligro de Choque EkktrkoPosicihn CierreRequisitos De escape Substancias de la combustih queMejor Ahora inicie la instalacibn de mm1La secadora en el Srea de lavar Patas niveladorasPage Lniciar el f uncionamiento C6mo Operar la SecadoraAntes de usar la secadora Cdmo detener y reiniciar el funcionamientoDescripcibn de ciclos Selector de ciclosPrincipios de secado Ciclos Cronometrados Timed DryingSefial de fin de ciclo Tejidos Tabla de ciclos de secadoNotas Ciclo AUTOMATICO’Telas Delicadas Secado sin calor No Heat/Fluff o Air o en el tendederoTIP0 DE Carga Ciclo Automatico TIP0 DE Carga Tejidos Delicados De lana Uso de la parrilla de secadoIsecado EN LA Parrilla Almohadas RellenosPelusa Cuidado de la SecadoraLimpieza del filtro de Sefial de pelusaCuidado durante las vacaciones Limpieza del interiorDe la secadora Para iimpiar ei tambor de la secadoraContinlia en la pi4gina siguiente Retire la pelusa acumuladaPeligro de choque eiktrico 91-800-83-044 Eleccih del tamafio Consejos de SecadoClasificacih de la ropa De cargaAhorro de energlh Uso de suavizantes deTelas para secadoras Instrucciones Sobre EL Secado Secado de artkulos de cuidado especialArticulos Tejidos de punto lavables Acabados antl- lnfiamabiesArtfculos acolchados y reilenos de piuma de ganso Secado Diagnhstico de ProblemasProblemas comunes de secado Problemas comunes de secadoras Cuando Solicite Informacion 0 UN Servicio Tecnico Zona Occidente Centros de Servicio y Venta de Refacciones y PartesZona Norte Zona Centro y SurestePolka de Garantia Valida Solo EN MexicoFORMAT0 DE Identificacion