Whirlpool RGL4634BL2 warranty Napped Items, Quilted, down- filled terns, Jackets

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Napped Items

. Corduroy, velveteen

Quilted, down- filled terns



l Nylon or polyester

Tinted, dyed, or noncolorfast items

Washable knits


Dry separately or with similar colors to avoid lint transfer. Follow care label instructions.

1.Remove from dryer while there is still a trace of moisture.

2.Smooth, reshape, and air dry before putting away.

Follow care label instructions.

1.Dry one at a time.

2.Remove from dryer and shake or fluff the item during the drying cycle.

3.Smooth and reshape before putting away.

Check label for fiber content, then follow care label instructions.

1.Dry garment for about 10 minutes. Remove and turn inside out. Dry for 10 more minutes.

2.Remove from dryer immediately and hang on a nonrusting hanger to finish drying. This will help eliminate wrinkles.

Dry according to fabrii, weight, and care label instructions. Wipe the dryer drum carefully to remove any dye or lint that can be transferred to other loads. See “Cleaning the dryer interior” on page 13.

Do not overdry knits. Overdrying can cause shrinking and static cling.

1.Select cycle according to fabric and construction.

2.Turn synthetics and blends inside out when drying to avoid pilling.

3.Remove cotton and rayon knits while still slightly damp. Stretch into shape and hy flat to finish drying.


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Contents Requesting Assistance UseAndCareNumber Hours a day Thank you for buying a Ropep appliancePlease record your model’s information U.S.A., call our toll-freeOn next Dryer SafetyImportant Safety 1NSTRUCTlONS Your safety is important to usYour responsibilities Imnortant SafbW InstructionsOther features not shown Parts and FeaturesOther doors Stopping/restarting your dryer Operating Your DryerBefore starting your dryer Starting your dryerTimed Cycles Selecting the right cycle and settingDrying guidelines Cycle descriptionsOn some models Understanding the End-of-Cycle signalWrinkle PREVENT’= DELICATES’ Drying cycles chartPermanent Press KnitsRUBBER, PLASTIC, HEAT-SENSTnVE Fabrics No Heat/Fluff or Air cycle, or line dryingFire Hazard Delicate FabricsAvailable as an accessory on some models Using the drying rackLint Signal Cleaning the lint screenCaring for Your Dryer Explosion Hazard Cleaning the dryer interiorTo clean dryer drum Vacation careLint Removing accumulatedElectrical Shock Hazard Remove screws before opening top Drying tips Laundry TipsSorting clothes Choosing load sizesSaving energy Using dryer fabric softenersDiapers, baby clothes Elastic items Drying special-care itemsItems Blankets and woolensTinted, dyed, or noncolorfast items Washable knits Napped ItemsQuilted, down- filled terns JacketsCause TroubleshootingCommon laundry problems ‘ROBLEMCommon dryer problems If you are not satisfied with how the problem was solved Requesting Assistance or ServiceIf you need service If you need FSP Replacement partsRoper Dryer Warranty, U.S.ACuidado Mensaje Para el usuarioPartes y Caracterlsticas Cdmo Operar la SecadoraEspecificaciones Thnicas Secadoras Ektricas y a GasModelo RGL Lmportador ExportadorAgradecemos la compra de un electrodomiktico Ropep Mensaje para el usuarioPor favor anote la siguiente informacibn La Secadora Seguridad deSu seguridad es importante para nosotros Continlia en la pAgina siguiente Instrucciones Importantes DE SeguridadEs responsabilidad del usuario Otras puertas Partes y CaracterkticasOtros dispositivos que no se muestran Page Requisitos del suministro de gas Lnstrucciones de instalacihPeligro de lncendio Peligro de Choque Ekktrko U17Substancias de la combustih que CierreRequisitos De escape PosicihnPatas niveladoras Ahora inicie la instalacibn de mm1La secadora en el Srea de lavar MejorPage Cdmo detener y reiniciar el funcionamiento C6mo Operar la SecadoraAntes de usar la secadora Lniciar el f uncionamientoCiclos Cronometrados Timed Drying Selector de ciclosPrincipios de secado Descripcibn de ciclosSefial de fin de ciclo Ciclo AUTOMATICO’ Tabla de ciclos de secadoNotas TejidosTIP0 DE Carga Ciclo Automatico Secado sin calor No Heat/Fluff o Air o en el tendederoTelas Delicadas TIP0 DE Carga Tejidos Delicados Almohadas Rellenos Uso de la parrilla de secadoIsecado EN LA Parrilla De lanaSefial de pelusa Cuidado de la SecadoraLimpieza del filtro de PelusaPara iimpiar ei tambor de la secadora Limpieza del interiorDe la secadora Cuidado durante las vacacionesPeligro de choque eiktrico Retire la pelusa acumuladaContinlia en la pi4gina siguiente 91-800-83-044 De carga Consejos de SecadoClasificacih de la ropa Eleccih del tamafioTelas para secadoras Uso de suavizantes deAhorro de energlh Articulos Secado de artkulos de cuidado especialInstrucciones Sobre EL Secado Artfculos acolchados y reilenos de piuma de ganso Acabados antl- lnfiamabiesTejidos de punto lavables Problemas comunes de secado Diagnhstico de ProblemasSecado Problemas comunes de secadoras Cuando Solicite Informacion 0 UN Servicio Tecnico Zona Centro y Sureste Centros de Servicio y Venta de Refacciones y PartesZona Norte Zona OccidenteValida Solo EN Mexico Polka de GarantiaFORMAT0 DE Identificacion