Note: The cursor cannot be operated in the forward looking view.
To Determine the Distance and Bearing From Present Position
The simplest and most frequent use of the cursor is to determine the distance and bearing from your present position to some point of interest.
To activate the cursor, simply press the directional arrow that best corresponds with the direction you choose to move.
You may press the directional arrow repeatedly to slowly move the cursor, or hold the arrow down to move the cursor faster and over a greater distance.
When the cursor mode is active, the
This is especially valuable to determine your distance from a shoreline, or any point of interest and it provides a very quick and accurate way to navigate to the cursor position.
To Scroll the Map
The cursor may also be used to scroll the map on the display screen. When the cursor reaches the border of the viewing area the map will begin scrolling.
A temporary waypoint is a point of interest defined by two coordinates
There are two ways to create temporary waypoints.
1.Using P STOR to save your present position, and
2.Using the cursor with P STOR to save the position of the cursor.