DanielTM Measurement and Control, Inc.
Returned Material Authorization
Repair Form for Used Equipment
Including Decontamination/Cleaning Statement
A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained prior to returning any equipment for any reason. Download the RMA form from the Support Services web page by selecting the link below.
1.Return Material Authorization (RMA) Number ____________________________________
2.Equipment to be returned:
Model Number _________________________ Serial Number _______________________
3.Reason for return: ___________________________________________________________
Decontamination/Cleaning Fluids Process
A.List each substance in which the equipment was exposed. Attach additional documents if necessary.
Common | CAS# if | Used for Hazardous | EPA Waste Code | ||
Name | available | Waste (20 CFR 261) | if used for hazardous waste | ||
| [ | ] Yes | [ | ] No |
| [ | ] Yes | [ | ] No |
| [ | ] Yes | [ | ] No |
| [ | ] Yes | [ | ] No |
| [ | ] Yes | [ | ] No |
| [ | ] Yes | [ | ] No |
B.Circle any hazards and/or process fluid types that apply:
Infectious | Radioactive | Explosive | Pyrophoric | Poison Gas |
Cyanides | Sulfides | CorrosiveOxidizer | Flammable | Poison |
Carcinogen | Peroxide |
Other hazard category (list):
C.Describe decontamination/cleaning process. Include MSDS description for substances used in decontamination and cleaning processes. Attach additional documents if necessary.