Teledyne M100E manual Version, 2 Relay PCA P/N 045230200 with AC Relay Retainer In Place, Rev B3

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1.3.1. Version 045230200

Relay PCA 04523

Addendum to E-Series Operator Manuals

There are two versions of the new relay card. Table 1-1 above cross references the PCA version with the various E-series analyzer models.

1.3.1. Version 045230200

This is the most commonly used version of the Relay PCA. It includes a bank of solid state AC relays. This version is installed in analyzers where components such as AC powered heaters must be turned ON & OFF. A retainer plate is installed over the relay to keep them securely seated in their sockets.




AC Relay

Retainer Plate

Figure 1-2: Relay PCA P/N 045230200 with AC Relay Retainer In Place

1.3.2. Version 045230100

This is the base version of the Relay PCA. It does not include the AC relays and is used in instruments where there are no AC powered components requiring control. A plastic insulating safety shield covers the empty AC Relay sockets (See Figure 1-3)


Never remove this safety shield while the instrument is plugged in and turned on. The contacts of the AC relay sockets beneath the shield carry high AC voltages even when no relays are present

AC Relay

Safety Shield

Figure 1-3: Relay PCA P/N 045230100 with Safety Shield In Place

05118 Rev B3


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Contents 9480 CARROLL PARK DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CA USA Toll-free Phone Phone Fax TELEDYNE INSTRUMENTS ADVANCED POLLUTION INSTRUMENTATION T-APIEmail Relay PCA P/NTHIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK subassemblies while the unit is under power SAFETY MESSAGESContacting Teledyne Instruments’ Customer Service Department at or Relay PCAAddendum to E-Series Operator Manuals TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURESLIST OF TABLES Relay PCA Table 1-1 List of Analyzers Using New Relay PCA P/N04523 1. INTRODUCTION1.1. What’s the Same 1.2. What’s Different 1.3. Relay PCA Location and LayoutFigure 1-1 Relay PCA Layout P/N04523 1.3.1. Version Figure 1-3 Relay PCA P/N 045230100 with Safety Shield In Place1.3.2. Version Figure 1-2 Relay PCA P/N 045230200 with AC Relay Retainer In PlaceUSER NOTES 2.1. Power Distribution 2. OPERATION AND CONFIGURATION2.1.1. AC Power Configuration Figure 2-1 Power Distribution Block DiagramIZS Permeation Tube Heater and O2 Sensor Connection optional Figure 2-2 Location of AC power Configuration JumpersAC Power Configuration for Internal Pumps JP7 AC configuration - Internal Pump JP7Figure 2-3 Pump AC Power Jumpers JP7 110 VAC /115 VACTable 2-2 Power Configuration for Standard AC Heaters JP2 AC Configuration - Standard Heaters JP2Figure 2-4 Typical Set Up of AC Heater Jumper Set JP2 1 toTable 2-3 Power Configuration for Optional AC Heaters JP6 AC Configuration -Heaters for Option Packages JP6Figure 2-5 Typical Set Up of AC Heater Jumper Set JP2 2.2. Valve Control2.3. Status LEDs & Watch Dog Circuitry 2.3.1. Watchdog Indicator D1D1 RED Figure 2-6 Status LED Locations - Relay PCA2.4. Heater Control Loop Figure 2-7 Heater Control Loop Block DiagramThemocouples MOTHER BOARDTable 2-4 Thermocouple Configuration Jumper JP5 Pin-Outs 2.4.1. Thermocouple Inputs and Configuration Jumper JP5Type J Compensation Type K CompensationINPUT TC1 J15 Figure 2-8 Thermocouple Configuration Jumper JP5 Pin-OutsOutput Scale Selector 7 Type J Compensation 8DC Power Test Point and Wiring Color Code 2.5. DC Power Supply Test PointsTable 2-6 DC Power Supply Acceptable Levels FROM3.1. Removing / Replacing the Relay PCA from the Instrument 3. TROUBLE SHOOTING AND REPAIRMounting Screws Figure 3-1 Relay PCA 04523 Mounting Screw LocationsTable 4-2 List of Included Electronic Schematics 4. SCHEMATICS AND SPARE PARTS FOR RELAY PCA P/NList of Spare Parts DOCUMENT #