4 – Control Surface Modes and Operation
Audio I/O and the Monitor Mixer
In MON MIX mode, there are two banks which corre- spond to the two types of audio inputs available on the
Figure 4.9: Bank keys used in monitor mix mode
The banks are labeled above the BANK switches as follows:
•ANLG – Controls the monitor levels of the eight analog inputs
•D IN – Controls the monitor levels of the S/PDIF digital inputs. In this bank, channels
Monitoring Setups
When the
This is useful for isolating the audio coming from your DAW or from external inputs. When the MON MIX key is pressed, the F1, F2 or F3 key lights to show the currently selected input source:
Figure 4.10: Monitor mix setup keys
F1 / COMPUTER key Only the audio from the host computer is monitored. This can be useful if you’re doing a mixdown of your DAW tracks and want to mute the monitor mixer without losing its settings.
F2 / INPUTS Only the audio from the
useful for setting up live inputs or tracking into your DAW.
F9 / BOTH The audio signals from the host DAW and the
• The default setting is BOTH.
It is important to understand that in MON MIX mode, the
Another important point to note is that, in MON MIX mode, the faders do not affect the levels the inputs sent to your DAW. The levels to the DAW inputs from analog inputs 1 through 8 (Bank 1) are controlled solely by their respective TRIM pots. The two digital inputs (Bank
2)are passed to your DAW application at unity gain; their level must be regulated at the digital source.
Making mixer settings
Once the monitor setup has been made, it is possible to use the mixer to set the levels and pan position.
Controlling the monitoring levels The fad- ers control the monitor level of the inputs. Analog inputs are controlled by bank 1, and digital S/PDIF inputs by banks 2.
Setting the pan positions The REC indica- tors show the pan position of the monitored inputs when you press the SEL key of the channel. REC 1 lit alone means that the channel is panned hard left, and REC 8 lit alone means it is panned hard right. REC
indicators 4 and 5 lit together mean that the channel is panned to the center position.
•To set the position of a channel, press its SEL key, and use the PAN encoder to set the position of the channel in the mix. The SEL and REC indicators go out soon after the SEL key is pressed.
Setting the master fader to 0dB (unity gain)
Setting a channel’s monitor level to 0dB (unity gain) Hold SHIFT and press the channel
SEL key.