safety information
Towing saFeTY
Check with your local county or state safety towing regulations, in addition to meeting Department of
Transportation (DOT) Safety Towing Regulations, before towing your mixer.
In order to reduce the possibility of an accident while transporting the mixer on public roads, alwaYs make sure the towing vehicle is mechanically sound and in good operating condition.
alwaYs shutdown engine before transporting.
alwaYs inspect the hitch and coupling for wear. never tow a mixer with defective hitches, couplings, chains, etc.
Check the tire air pressure on both towing vehicle and mixer Mixer tires should be inflated to 50 psi cold. Also check the tire tread wear on the vehicle and mixer.
alwaYs make sure the mixer is equipped with a safety chain.
alwaYs properly attach mixer’s safety chains to towing vehicle.
The maximum speed for highway towing is 55 mpH unless posted otherwise. Recommended
Avoid sudden stops and starts.This can cause skidding, or
Avoid sharp turns to prevent rolling.
Mixer should be adjusted to a level position at all times when towing.
Raise and lock mixer wheel stand in up position when towing.
Place chock blocks underneath wheel to prevent rolling while parked.
environmenTal saFeTY
Dispose of hazardous waste properly. Examples of potentially hazardous waste are used motor oil, fuel and fuel fi lters.
do noT use food or plastic containers to dispose of hazardous waste.
do noT pour waste, oil or fuel directly onto the ground, down a drain or into any water source.
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