Section 4 Detailed Parameters
4.1 Multiband Compression
Within the multiband compressor menu on the QUANTUM the following parameters are user adjustable on all setups.
Compressor LOC/On/Off
Local (per band control) or global on and off.
Band 1 to 4 On/Off
Turns on or off each independent band
OverEasy® 1-10 (per band or global)
The point when the QUANTUM (or any compressor) starts to compress is the "knee." When the QUANTUM starts to reduce the level of a signal abruptly right as it passes over the threshold this is called "hard knee" compression. OverEasy® (soft knee as it is sometimes called) is when the level of the signal is compressed gradually. OverEasy® compression starts to compress before the level of the signal reaches the threshold and reaches full compression after the vol- ume has gone above the threshold. This OverEasy® compression by its very nature sounds much smoother and more natural and will be used for most applications. When it is gentle (nat- ural sounding or light) compression that you are looking for, the QUANTUM has what we call VariKnee™. VariKnee™ gives you ten levels of OverEasy® compression to choose from (1 being almost hard knee and 10 being the most OverEasy®). This lets you choose the exact knee that is needed for the dynamic effect you are looking for.
Fig. 4.1
Auto LOC/On/Off and Auto On/Off
Auto can be turned on/off per band or globally. When Auto mode is on, the QUANTUM auto- matically sets the Attack, Hold, and Release times for the signal. The auto mode constantly adjusts these parameters in real time for optimum performance from the unit.
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