Section 4 Detailed Parameters
4.5 Multiband Limiting (cont.)
Attack .01 to 200 m Sec (per band or global)
This is the speed at which the QUANTUM limiter starts to compress the signal once it has crossed the threshold. Set the attack time longer for lower frequency bands, and shorter for higher frequency bands.
Hold 0 to 500 m Sec (per band or global)
Hold is the time the limiter stays in gain reduction after the signal level has dropped below threshold. Hold is useful when you want the limiter to function for a period of time after it has been triggered. Be careful not to set the hold time too long as it will not release in time.
Release 360 to 5 dB / Sec (per band or global)
Just like the release time on the compressor, the limiter's release time controls how fast the lim- iter releases from gain reduction after the signal drops below the threshold. Set the release times longer for lower frequency bands and shorter for higher frequency bands.
4.6 Broadband Limiting
The broadband limiter works very much like the multiband limiter. The main difference being that it is a single limiter for the entire frequency range.
Within the limiter menu on the QUANTUM when in
Limiter On/Off
Turns limiter on and off.
Threshold -60 to 0 dB
As in the multiband limiter, this is at what level the limiter kicks in and says "NO LOUDER." It is recommended that the limiter's threshold be set to slightly below the point of no return, so that there is a slight margin of safety. Of course, be careful not to set the threshold too low. Finding the right limiter threshold for your equipment will take some experimentation. In a recording application most people will set the limiter up to prevent the signal from distorting the tape. Analog tape will saturate slowly and a higher threshold will let you take advantage of this if you choose to. Digital recording is far less forgiving and a correctly set limiter threshold will prevent any ugly digital overs from ruining a take. For sound reinforcement uses, the QUANTUM's limiter is perfect for keeping your amplifiers from clipping. When an amplifier clips it sends square waves through to the speakers, and this can damage a speaker very quick- ly. The limiter can also sometimes be used as an effect. Setting the threshold low will effectively take all the dynamics out of a signal and is used as a form of extra heavy compression.
Type PkStop+/RMS
This lets you select the type of limiter used. An RMS limiter limits the signal based on the aver- age signal level. While this is a much more musical sounding limiter, some fast transients may go beyond the limiter threshold. The PeakStop® + will keep all peaks below the set threshold.
Attack .01 to 200 m Sec (per band or global)
This is the speed at which the QUANTUM limiter starts to compress the signal once it has crossed the threshold. Set the attack time longer for lower frequency bands, and shorter for higher frequency bands.
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