SYSEX Definitions Appendix D
Hex Value Definition
F0(h) System Exclusive 'Begin Message' byte 00(h)
01(h) Manufacturer's ID Number (dbx) 1E(h)
n = units Device or SYSEX Channel number (minus one) e.g. 01(h) is device or SYSEX Ch 1...01(h) is device or SYSEX Ch 2, etc...0F(h) is device or SYSEX Ch 16
dd = device ID number 01(h) identifies the QUANTUM
pp= Procedure number. The different procedure's names and general formats are described in the Procedures Section.
dd(1)1, dd(1)2 | dd(n)1, dd(n)2 |
dd= Data as needed by procedures. Since the standard MMA MIDI Specification reserves 80(h) through FF(h) (decimal numbers 128 through 255) for specific commands, a split byte format is adopted for all data communication in this SYSEX implementation. dd(n)2 denotes the 1st through 7th bits of the nth byte and dd(n)1 denotes th 8th bit of the nth byte. Note: All data that is requested or received, is in split byte format unless noted otherwise.
F7(h) System Exclusive 'End Message' byte
In the following section, SYS_HEAD refers to a valid System Exclusive header. The System Exclusive header starts with the System Exclusive status byte, and includes all bytes through the dbx device type. F7(h) is the System Exclusive 'Message End' byte. All SYSEX numbers in the format definition of each procedure are given as hexadecimal values, along with this symbol (h) for clarification. Binary numbers are identified with this symbol (b).
Request One Setup (02h)
SYS_HEAD, 02(h), yy(1)1, yy(1)2, yy(2)1, yy(2)2, zz1, zz2 F7(h)
When yy = Setup Number:
When zz = 6Ch Linked Setup type is selected
When zz = 6Dh Dual Mono Setup type is selected
When a Request One Setup procedure is received, the QUANTUM will respond with a Receive One Setup proce- dure.
Receive One Setup (43h)
SYS_HEAD 43(h), vv(1)1, vv(1)2, vv(2)1, vv(2)2, xx1, xx2, yy1, yy2, zz(1)1, zz(1)2, zz(2)1, zz(2)2, dd(1st)1,dd(1st)2, dd(nth)1, dd(nth)2, F7(h)
vv .software version number
When xx = 00(h) Dual Mono is selected When xx = 01(h) Linked Type is selected
QUANTUM User Manual | 71 |