CC# Drawbar 2 11/3’(MIDI CC# Drawbar
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the
CC# Drawbar 2 1’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 2–1’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the 1' setting of Drawbar 2. (The factory setting is 78.)
Group 5: MIDI CC# 2
CC# Expression (MIDI CC# Expression)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the [EXPRES- SION/OVERDRIVE] knob. (The factory setting is 11.)
CC# Rotary ON (MIDI CC# Rotary ON Key)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the ROTARY section [ON] key. (The factory setting is 81.)
CC# Rotary FAST (MIDI CC# FAST Key) [1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the ROTARY section [FAST] key. (The factory setting is 82.)
CC# Rotary STOP (MIDI CC# Rotary STOP Key) [1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the ROTARY section [STOP] key. (The factory setting is 83.)
CC# V/C Select (MIDI CC# V/C Select) [1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the VIBRATO/ CHORUS section [VIBRATO/CHORUS] knob. (The factory setting is 84.)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the VIBRATO/ CHORUS section [UPPER] key. (The factory setting is 85.)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the VIBRATO/ CHORUS section [LOWER] key. (The factory setting is 86.)
CC# Percus ON (MIDI CC# Percussion ON Key) [1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the PERCUS- SION section [ON] key. (The factory setting is 87.)
CC# Percus SOFT (MIDI CC# Percussion Volume) [1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the PERCUS- SION section [SOFT] key. (The factory setting is 88.)
CC# Percus FAST (MIDI CC# Percussion Decay) [1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the PERCUS- SION section [FAST] key. (The factory setting is 94.)
CC# Percus 3rd (MIDI CC# Percussion Harmonic) [1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the PERCUS- SION section [3rd] key. (The factory setting is 95.)
CC# Hold (MIDI CC# Hold) | [1...31, 33...95, Off] |
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the Normal Edit mode “Hold Uppr Ctrl” parameter and “Hold Lowr Ctrl” parameter, and the EX Edit mode “Hold Ctrl” parameter. (The factory setting is 64.)
CC# Wheel Brake (MIDI CC# Wheel Brake)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the Global mode “Wheel Brake” parameter. (The factory setting is 93.)
CC# Amp Gain (MIDI CC# Amp Gain) [1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the Normal Edit mode and EX Edit mode “Amp Gain” parameter. (The factory setting is 92.)
CC# Reverb Level (MIDI CC# Reverb Level)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be used to transmit and receive the setting of the Normal Edit mode and EX Edit mode “Reverb Mix Level” param- eter. (The factory setting is 91.)