Siemens 505-2557 installation and operation guide Outputs, Data Identification Bits

Page 40

Internal Register Structures (continued)


The discrete output points consist of Y17 ± Y32.


Y17 ± Y19 are used to identify the data being transferred. As data is loaded


to the module, the state of these bits identifies the type of data being


transferred (see Table 3-6). The SIMATIC 505±2557 module decodes these


bits and processes the data accordingly.


Table 3-6 Data Identification Bits




Data Transfer Type








No operation








Function enable bits








Low/High alarm setpoint values








Scaling low/high values








Filtering time constant/Number of









In addition, Y27 ± Y32 are used to reset averaging, reset valley hold values, reset peak hold values, read peak or valley values, read flags, and to write data to the module. See Figure 3-5.


￿1"-￿$&*$ -"."/


￿"."/. ￿1"-￿$&*$ +* ￿(( %￿**"(. /+ *"2 1￿(0". (+￿!"!

￿2￿ ￿￿(("3 %+(! -"."/

￿￿"."/ 1￿(("3 %+(!

￿2￿ ￿"￿' %+(! -"."/

￿￿"."/ ,"￿' %+(!

￿3￿ ￿"￿! ,"￿' %+(!￿1￿(("3 %+(!

￿￿"￿! 1￿(("3 %+(! 1￿(0".

￿￿"￿! ,"￿' %+(! 1￿(0".

￿3￿ ￿"￿! ,"￿' %+(!￿1￿(("3 %+(! +- ￿"￿! #(￿$.

￿￿"￿! #(￿$.

￿￿"￿! ,"￿' %+(!￿1￿(("3 %+(! 1￿(0".

￿￿￿￿￿￿* +,"-￿/&+*￿ /%" ./￿/" +# ￿3￿ !"/"-)&*". 2%"/%"- ￿￿￿￿ Ð ￿￿￿￿

-"/0-* ,"￿'￿1￿(("3 !￿/￿ +- /%" #(￿$ ￿&/. !"#&*"! &* ￿&$0-" 343￿ ￿# ￿3￿ &. +*￿ /%"* /%" /3," +# !￿/￿ ￿1￿(("3 %+(! +- ,"￿' %+(!￿ &. ."(" /"! 2&/% ￿3￿￿

￿32 ￿ +*/-+(("- /+ )+!0(" !￿/￿ -"￿!3 #(￿$

￿ *+ !￿/￿

￿!￿/￿ -"￿!3 /+ /-￿*.#"-

Figure 3-5 Data Transfer Control Bits

3-10 Advanced Function Programming

SIMATIC 505±2557 Installation and Operation Guide

Image 40
Contents Simatic Copyright 1998 by Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc Manual Publication History List of Effective Pages Contents Iv Contents List of Figures List of Tables Preface Agency Approvals EuropeanCommunity CE ApprovalDescription 100 Ohm, 10 Ohm, 120 Ohm RTDs, or Millivolt InputsOperating Modes Word Input to the PLC from the Module RTD Input to Digital Conversion Scale UnitsEffect SignalsOut-of-Range Input Effect of Voltage Input 10 Ohm Copper Resolution Input ResolutionCalculating the I/O Base Power Budget Installing and Configuring the ModuleSelecting 2 and 3 Wire or 4 Wire Operation Installing and Configuring the Module Configuring Selecting Temperature orMillivolt Input Selecting Degrees Celsius orFahrenheit Selecting DataConfiguration Jumper Locations Module Into InsertingBase Wiring the Input Connectors Copper Wire Table at 25 Degrees CelsiusPress In Wiring Connector Wiring Diagram for 2, 3, or 4 Wire RTD Wiring Diagram for Millivolt Measurements Cable Grounding Example I/O Configuration Chart Advanced Function Programming Advanced Software Functions IntroductionOverview AdvancedConfiguration Setting the ModuleJumper Controller I/O LoggingMemory Internal Register Structures Input and Output Register OffsetsInput Registers Input Channel DataInput Flag Bits Peak/Valley Hold Input Words Output Data Registers AveragingControl Registers Function Enable BitsInputs Discrete Handshake Inputs Outputs Data Identification BitsLoading Data into the Simatic 505±2557 Module Data Loading ProcessSample Low and High Alarm Setpoints Identifying the Data Being Transferred 11 Enabling the Functions Loaded Loading Programs into the I/O Module 13 Startup Relay Ladder Logic Page When Using Timing Overhead for Functions EnabledTiming Considerations Timing ConstraintsDefault Values Default Function ValuesDefault Function Values for Simatic 505±2557 Additional Information about Each FunctionAlarm Setpoints DegreesCentigrade or Degrees FahrenheitDigital Filtering Peak and Valley AveragingHold Hold Reset Flag BitsFunction PrecedenceTroubleshooting 10 Troubleshooting Flow Diagram Symptom Probable Cause Corrective ActionI/O Register Quick Reference 17 I/O Register Quick ReferenceOr K Memory Configuration Tables Page Addressing Worksheet Items Unique to the Simatic 505±2557 Module 18 Open RTD Status BitsTroubleshooting Specifications Table B-1 SpecificationsSpecifications subject to change without notice Jumper Settings Log Sheet Customer Response Business Reply Mail