The configuration example ladder program sequences through the transfer of all configuration data to the module.
The first rung in the example resets Y32 if Y32 was turned ON on the previous scan. This should be done at the beginning of the ladder scan.
The second rung is a counter that controls loading of the WY registers with configuration data.
When the counter is reset, the current count is equal to zero. If X16 is ON, the WY registers are loaded with Low and High Alarm data from V1 through V32. Y12, Y18, and Y19 are set to the appropriate bit pattern to identify Low/High Alarms Values and Y32 is set ON.
After the WY registers have been read by the module, X16 is turned OFF which bumps the counter current value to 1. When the module has finished processing the Low/High Alarm data, X16 is turned ON and the next MOVW instruction is executed. This rung moves Low/High Scaling values from V33 through V64.
After this data is processed by the module, the next MOVW instruction is executed which loads the WY registers with Filtering Time Constants and Average Sample Counts from V65 through V96.
After this data is processed by the module, the last MOVW instruction is executed which loads the Function Enable Bits into the WY registers from V Memory beginning at V97.
When this transfer is complete, the counter current value is now equal to 4 which is the preset value and the configuration sequence is complete. Another configuration sequence can be initiated by toggling the counter reset bit to reset the counter.
SIMATIC 505±2557 Installation and Operation Guide | Advanced Function Programming |