Open lid before lighting. Do not use any flammable liquids such as starting fluid, gasoline, alcohol or any form of
A) Remove grill lid before operating gas feature.
mDANGER: Failure to do so can cause a gas
B) Open bottom bowl dampers (1).
C) Position charcoal baskets over burner (2).
D) Push in tabs on gas control cover (3) and lift to open.2
E) Turn gas supply on
mWARNING: Do not lean over open barbecue while lighting.
F)Push igniter button until burner ignites (5).
m CAUTION: Flame may be hard to see on a bright day.
G)After charcoal has ignited, (approximately 5 minutes), turn gas control OFF (clockwise) until it is closed.
mCAUTION: Ensure cover is closed completely.
Note - Prolonged tank run time lessens tank life.
H)You can begin cooking when briquets have a light coating of grey ash (approximaately
To Extinguish | 3 |
Close gas supply by turning gas control clockwise until closed.