Explosive Fuel
Fuel Check
Motor fuels are highly flammable and can be dangerous if mishandled. DO NOT smoke while refueling. DO NOT attempt to refuel the trowel if the engine is hot! or running.
1.Remove the gasoline cap located on top of fuel tank.
2.Visuallyinspecttoseeiffuellevelislow. Iffuelislow,replenish with unleaded fuel.
V-belt Check
A worn or damaged
Blade Check
Check for worn or damaged blades. Check to see if one blade is worn out while the others look new.If this is the case there could be a blade pitch problem. Refer to the maintenance section of this manual for blade pitch adjustment procedure. Replace any worn blades.
Safety Kill Switches
This trowel has been equipped with a safety kill switch or a hand operated clutch. Safety kill switches should be tested every time the engine is started.
3.When refueling, be sure to use a strainer for filtration. DO NOT
Gearbox Oil
1.Determine if the gearbox oil is low by removing the oil plug located on the side of the gearbox. This plug will be marked by the "check" decal. See Figure 17.The correct level of the lubrication oil should be to the bottom of the fill plug.
NEVER! disable or disconnect the kill switch. It is provided for operator safety. Injury may result if it is disable, disconnected or improperly maintained.
CentrifugalType Kill Switch
Located on the main handle tube is a red switch (Figure 18).The switching mechanism of this switch should operate freely and shouldalwaysbekeptinthiscondition.WiththeswitchintheOFF position, the engine should not start or run.The purpose of this switch is to stop the engine in a runaway situation,
Figure 17. Gearbox
2.If lubrication oil begins to seep out as the drain plug is being removed, then it can be assumed that the gearbox has a sufficient amount of oil.
3.If lubrication oil does not seep out as the drain plug is being removed, fill with type ISO 680 (Whiteman P/N 10139) gearbox lubricant oil until the oil filler hole overflows.
Figure 18. Centrifugal Kill Switch
Hand Clutch
Some finisher models are equipped with a hand operated clutch.These units are not equipped with a safety kill switch since the unit automatically stops rotating when the clutch lever is released.Clutchoperationshouldbetestedeachtimethemachine is started.
DO NOT let the machine sit unused with the engine at high speed for an extended period of time. It will cause premature belt wear or may destroy the belt. Always set the engine speed to idle when the hand clutch is disengaged.