Operators Manual
QOffset | X X | X |
0 |
| TOffset | TStart | Time |
| Start of Exposure |
| |
- Charge samples in Leakage. |
| |
X - | Samples discarded. |
- | Charge samples in exposure. |
- | Extrapolated charge due to leakage current |
Figure 2-2.Leakage Current and Start of Exposure
When automatic exposure detection is disabled (start and stop threshold set to 0.0 pA), there is no correction for extrapolated charge due to leakage current. The dosimeter must be manually reset between exposures and the leakage current kept as low as possible for best results.
Exposure Charge and Dose
The charge on the electrometer during an exposure is due to the incident radiation plus the charge that was on the electrometer before the exposure plus the extrapolated charge due to any leakage currents in the ion chamber, cables, or electrometer. To obtain only the charge due to the exposure, the instrument employs the following equation:
QExposure = Q [C] − QOffset [C] − (ILeakage [A] × (T [s] −TOffset [s]))
Dose = QExposure [C] × ICCF [Units/C] × ADCF
The exposure charge variable QExposure is set to zero at the start of an exposure either manually by pressing the RESET/MEASURE button or automatically if the start and stop thresholds are used. Over the duration of the exposure, QExposure and Dose are updated about once a second. The displayed measurement value
Timed Charge and Dose
This measurement accumulates charge only while the elapsed time is less than or equal to the timer interval setting. The displayed value is held following the completion of the timer interval.
QTimed = Q2[C] − Q1 [C] − (ILeakage [A] × (T 2 [s] − T 1 [s]))
DoseTimed = QTimed [C] × ICCF [Units/C] × ADCF