Operators Manual
35040 Customization Software, verify that COM PORT indicator is green, and click on the UPLOAD button.
We recommend that you print a copy of the customization report (Print) as your first step in the customization process. This report contains all of the customization values and thus serves as a guide for returning to the original settings should an operator keyboard error occur during the process. Additionally, print a copy of the customization report as the final step in the customization process. Use this final report to verify the new customization parameter values, and then save it in a safe place for future reference. Reports can also be generated and saved as text files. Refer to Section 3.10.7, FILE SAVE AS and FILE PRINT.
3.10.5 Downloading
The Customization software sends (downloads) information through the
3.10.6 Menu Items and Controls
Refer to Figure
COM PORT Indicator
Green – PC port Initialized
Red - PC port not Initialized
Figure 3-33. Menu Items and Controls
Ion Chambers, Bias Settings, Special Items, Measurement Displays, or Timer Intervals
Selection of one of these five (5) menu items will bring up different forms for customizing the 35040 Dosimeter’s settings. Refer to the appropriate section below for a detailed description of each of the forms and programming the Dosimeter’s settings.
COM PORT Drop Down List
Use the COM PORT drop down list to select the computer’s serial port used to communicate with the 35040 Dosimeter. To select a different serial port, click on the DOWN arrow key and select another port from the drop down list by clicking on it. After the selection has been made, the serial port will be initialized. If initialization is successful, the indicator to the right of the Com Port selection will turn GREEN. If not, an error message will be displayed and the indicator will turn RED.