Theory of Operation
Functional Description 2
2.2.5 Electrometer
The electrometer is a single range, resettable, integrating amplifier. The high speed solid state reset is activated either by the operator pressing the RESET/MEASURE button or automatically when the instrument detects the end of an exposure. Errors resulting from temperature drift of the components and from dielectric absorption are dynamically corrected by the controlling firmware.
2.2.6 Bias Supply
The Model 35040 Therapy Dosimeter has a fully regulated electronic bias supply. The user may specify up to 11 settings within the range
During operation, the bias supply output level is periodically measured by the A/D through a resistive divider. If the output is more than ± 1.0 volt from the set voltage, an error message (LoBias, or HiBias) will appear on the display. The bias supply has been designed to drive a capacitive load of less than 5000 pf.
Attaching a larger capacitance may create a potential shock hazard.
For operator safety, the output of the bias supply is energy and current limited. Before attempting to connect or disconnect an ion chamber, the operator should either set the bias voltage to 0 volts or turn off the instrument. Setting the bias voltage to 0 volts pulls the bias to a safe level within one second. The output of the bias supply is
2.2.7 Multiplexer and A/D Converter
The output of the electrometer is sampled at approximately 20 times per second by an analog to digital converter. The temperature of the electrometer is measured whenever the electrometer is reset. The program uses the temperature measurement to correct for
2.3 Basic Operating Equations
The instrument makes extensive use of the microcontroller’s processing capabilities to directly implement the operating equations. The variables used in the equations are detailed in the table below. The equations in this section have measurement units enclosed in square brackets as a reminder of the required units, e.g. [C] for Coulombs.