The red light emitting diode (LED) located at the upper right corner of the LCD display is SCAN LED. This LED illuminates when the user presses the ON/SCAN key and activates the scan engine. The green LED located at the upper left corner of the LCD display is DECODE LED. This LED illuminates when the bar code software successfully decodes a bar code. Both LEDs are software programmable.
1/4 VGA Display
The Dolphin 7400/7450 screen is a
The ON/SCAN key is centrally located for easy use with the right or the left hand. On the 7450 terminal, the ON/SCAN key operates as an On or system wakeup control; scanning is activated with the handle trigger.
Cursor Keys
The centrally located cursor keys allow full Windows® navigation.
Audio Signals
The Dolphin 7400/7450 terminal has an internal speaker that sounds audio signals as you scan bar code labels and enter data. Signals are emitted at a sound level of 80 dB sound pressure level at two feet. The operating frequency range is 500 Hz up to 8 kHz. The speaker can also be used for playing sounds using WAV files.
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