In the "Locate Drive Files" dialog, check the
•w2k - Windows® 2000
•win98 - Windows® 98
•winme - Windows® Me
At this point, the hardware is installed and operating. You may need to reset your PC to complete the installation process. You can verify that the USB driver is functioning by watching the COMM LED on the USB home base. It should be flashing red approximately every three seconds.
Once the USB HomeBase is installed, you can use ActiveSync to connect to a Dolphin 7400. These instructions assume that ActiveSync v3.1 is installed on your PC.
In the ActiveSync connection settings, add check mark to "Allow serial cable or infrared connection to this COM port" and select "Infrared Port (IR)" for the COM port as shown below. Do not check "Allow USB connection with this desktop computer". It has no effect for the USB HomeBase.
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