4Playing Video Files from the Internet
When using Windows Media® Player 10, you will have the advantage of being able to download protected video content from the Internet. When you see the PlaysForSure symbol on a web site for Windows® Portable Media Center (PMC), then these protected downloads will be playable on your AV400.
4.1Non Protected Internet Video Content
The number of encoding and compression schemes currently used to create video files is very extensive and seems to change on a weekly basis. There are so many standards and formats that it is very possible that the video file you download from the Internet will not play right away on your device. Due to certain “variations”, even when video files are formatted in “MPEG4” they may not play right away. The AV400 plays .AVI files that are encoded with the XviD or DivX™
If you have some video files that do not run directly on your AV400, they will have to be converted first. Windows Media® Player 10 (Available only for Windows XP) will convert your video file automatically* when you sync the file that is on your PC to the AV400. It will display a little message ‘converting’.
You can also use the software MPEG4 Translator included on the AV400 hard disk to
* Windows Media® Player 10 may not be able to convert (transcode) all file types.