2.Press any button to cancel the call alert. No acknowledgement is required. The radio automatically selects the channel designated in the incoming GROUP call. The group name is shown on the screen. If the radio recognizes the GROUP MMSI as one of your groups, the group name is shown in place of the MMSI.
3.Press PTT to initiate voice contact on designated channel and then switch to a working channel, OR press ESC if you do not want to make voice contact.
The call data is stored in your call log.
5-12 Reply to an LL position request
Your radio can automatically, or manually turn OFF to an incoming LL request caller depend- ing on the LL REPLY setting.
5-12-1 Manually reply to an LL Request
When the radio receives an LL position request it beeps to alert you. Meanwhile, the LCD screen displays the position request and the MMSI of the caller.
1.If you press ESC, or do not respond to the request within five minutes, the radio returns to its previous state.
2.Press ENTER to acknowledge the call and transmit your position on CH70 automatically. The LL position request is not stored in the call log.
5-12-2 Automatically reply to an LL position request
POSITION REQ 123451234
When the radio receives an LL position request it beeps to alert you.
Meanwhile the LCD screen displays the position request and the MMSI of the caller. The radio acknowledges the request automatically and immediately sends your boat’s position to the caller.
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