Haier air conditioner | Edition: 20070116 |
. Error list record
It indicates nothing if error code has not is recorded.
Fault signal show for 10s to auto off.
Remote control only receives the ‘off’ signal. Based on the ‘on/off’ or off signal of remote control, the error list will stop show.
Have component of EEPROM, after power on again, the list will be recorded.
.Special function
1.Indoor unit single operating
a. Enter conditions The system be set high heat mode by remote control, set temperature is 30 , power on for the first time, press the sleep key 6 times in 7 seconds, the buzzer resound 6 times.
b.Enter indoor unit single operation mode, indoor unit processing as following program:
Indoor unit operating and communication in set mode it will not process communication signal of outdoor but send communication signal to outdoor continuously.
c. Exit condition Once the system received remote control off or emergency off signal, it will exit indoor single operation status; when power fault, once power on it will exit single operation mode.
During indoor single operating, simulation outdoor send following information to indoor:
Output frequency 58 Hz, error defrosting status is 17654=0001, 13=0,121=01, outdoor temperature elever K54=00, indoor heat exchange temperature fixed to 47degree.
2. Power failure compensation
a. enter condition press the sleep key 10 times in 7 seconds, the buzzer resound 4 times, simultaneity , store the current operation status into EEPROM of indoor unit.
b. Enter indoor unit power failure mode, indoor unit processing as following program:
Remote control the emergency signal, unit will operate according to the remote controller and emergency set status and store the current operation status into indoor EEPROM.
Main unit operating based on the panel set status and store the current operation status in EEPROM. Enter power failure compensation power restart, main send the current status and power failure compensation signal to indoor panel, once the panel received to reply information and keep power failure compensation bit.
c. exit condition Press the sleep key 10 times in 7 seconds, the buzzer resound 2 times.
d.Set timer and sleep at power failure compensation status; after power restart, the main unit memory status is ‘off’ status.
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