6.2 Operational Check List
To operate a DSAi module,
1.Set the Power Management function as appropriate for your application.
2.Select each cluster in the DSAPilot design and verify the LED indicator illuminates on the corresponding physical cluster.
3.Verify that the LED indicator on each enclosure is at the top or bottom as shown in DSAPilot.
4.Adjust the input gain for each cluster for the desired nominal output level for the expected input signal levels.
5.Adjust the input EQ for each cluster for the desired voicing to accommodate room acoustics, program content, or personal taste.
6.Adjust the input Limiting for each cluster to prevent higher than desired output SPLs.
6.3 Normal Operation
Power is applied to DSAi in one of three ways:
1.Always On: Connect the module to a continuously powered ac mains supply. The module is always ready for use. For this mode, disable the Power Management function.
2.Off/On: Connect the module to an ac mains supply which is switched on and off between uses. The ac mains must be switched on for each use. For this mode, disable the Power Management function.
3.Standby/On: Connect the module to a continuously powered ac mains supply. The module will be ready when input signal is applied. For this mode, enable the Power Management function.
When powered up, the signal processing in each module will be set to what it was for the previous use. The signal processing settings are retained by
Operate DSAi similarly to any other loudspeaker. This normally involves setting the source levels to achieve the desired output as well as applying external equalization or other signal processing to achieve certain desired results. DSA’s internal user signal processing, set using DSAPilot, should not be used for in performance adjustments.