Lincoln Electric specifications Diagrams, FX450 RED-D-ARC

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NOTE: This diagram is for reference only. It may not be accurate for all machines covered by this manual. The specific diagram for a particular code is pasted inside the


machine on one of the enclosure panels. If the diagram is illegible, write to the Service Department for a replacement. Give the equipment code number.



Image 27 Lincoln Electric specifications Diagrams, FX450 RED-D-ARC
Contents RED-D-ARC California Proposition 65 Warnings SafetyARC Rays can burn Electric Shock can killWelding and Cutting Sparks can Cause fire or explosion Cylinder may explode if damagedIii Sûreté Pour Soudage a L’Arc PRÉCAuTIONS DE SûretéCuSTOMER Assistance Policy Please Examine Carton and Equipment For Damage ImmediatelyTAbLE of Contents FX450 RED-D-ARC InstallationTEChNICAL Specifications FX450 VoltageModel ProcessLifting StackingEnvironmental Limitations INPuT FuSE and SuPPLY Wire Considerations INPuT ConnectionINPuT Voltage Selection CAbLE Connections PIN Remote Control ConnectorFunction Pin Wiring PIN Connector for Wire FeederTAbLE A.1 OuTPuT CAbLE GuIDELINES Recommended Electrode and Work CAbLE SIzES for ARC WeldingControl CAbLE Connections General GuidelinesOFF Safety PRECAuTIONSWire Feeder OperationPRODuCT Description VoltageProtective Process Limitations EQuIPMENTEQuIPMENT Limitations Recommended ProcessesFIGuRE b.1 Case Front Control DescriptionsWeld Controls and Displays Common Welding PROCEDuRESInput Power Cord Access hole Case bACK ControlThermal Light Weld Terminals On/Remote Toggle SwitchControl Local/Remote Toggle Switch BASIC Modes of OperationGtaw CV-GASWeld Terminals On/Remote CV-INNERShIELD TIG Options AccessoriesOptions / Accessories General OptionsThermal Protection MaintenanceROuTINE Maintenance PERIODIC MAINTENANCEHOW to uSE TROubLEShOOTING GuIDE TROubLEShOOTINGRecommended PRObLEMSSymptoms POSSIbLE CAuSEError Codes for the FX450 USING ThE STATuS LED to TROubLEShOOT System PRObLEMSFX450 RED-D-ARC DiagramsDimension Print Precaucion Warnung