Do not allow paint to build up on WARNING the motor. Overheating of the
motor will result. Do not allow flammable solvents to come in contact with the motor, which could ignite.
NOTE: You will need an extra bucket with cleaning solution, a toothbrush, an adjustable wrench and rags.
1.Lock the gun and reduce the pressure. Turn the sprayer to prime A and shut it off. Unplug sprayer. Leave the suction set in the paint. Refer to Pressure Relief Procedure.
2.Remove suction tube from paint and hold it above a bucket of water or solvent. Leave the return tube aimed into the paint bucket.
3.If spraying with latex paint, use warm soapy water for cleaning. If using oil or
4.Increase PRESSURE CONTROL KNOB clockwise to about 1/3 to 1/2 maximum pressure. This will draw the remaining paint in the suction tube through the pump and down the return tube into the paint bucket.
5.Set PRESSURE CONTROL KNOB counterclock- wise back to minimum pressure. Trigger gun to relieve pressure and lock gun.
6.Remove spray tip and guard, washer, and let soak in warm water or appropriate solvent.
7.Place suction tube and return tube in container of water or compatible solvent.
8.Increase pressure to about 1/2 maximum pressure and let circulate for
9.To save paint left in the hose, carefully trigger the gun (with spray tip removed) against the inside of the paint container. See Figure 37. Reduce PRES- SURE CONTROL KNOB to zero, then turn PRIM- ING KNOB to SPRAY B .
Figure 37 - Save Paint Back To Paint Can.
10.Increase PRESSURE CONTROL KNOB again until paint starts to flow into the bucket. As soon as the water or solvent starts to come into the bucket, release the trigger.
11.Change to clean water or solvent and continue circulating for another 5 minutes to thoroughly clean the hose, pump and spray gun.
12.Reduce pressure and turn to prime A . Trigger gun. Lock gun and shut sprayer off.
13.Remove spray gun from paint hose, using two adjustable wrenches. Remove filter housing from gun. Place gun and filter assembly into a container of water or solvent to soak. Cover paint container and set it aside.