−Plenty of fresh water and soap must be ready at hand so that in case of acid coming in contact with skin, eyes and clothes, the areas in question can be thoroughly washed.
−If acid enters the eyes, you must thoroughly wash them with cold running water for at least 15 minutes. It is recommended that you immediately consult a medical doctor.
−Baking powder neutralizes battery acid electrolyte. Always keep some at hand.
−Special care must be taken when working with metal tools near or on the batteries. With tools such as screwdrivers, spanners etc.
−When working on batteries all personal metal items such as rings, necklaces and bracelets must be removed. Batteries are so powerful that
−Under certain conditions
2 Introduction
2.1Principle schematic
(1)The neutral of the appliance is not connected to the earth whatever the function mode is. If requested and according to the local regulation, an automatic
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