Hobart 180 SD manual Butt Joints, Lap Joint, Tee Joint, 16 in 1.6 mm Tack Welds, Or Less

Page 36

9-10. Butt Joints


1/16 in (1.6 mm)



1 Tack Welds

Prevent edges of joint from drawing together ahead of electrode by tack welding the materials in position be- fore final weld.

2 Square Groove Weld

Good for materials up to 3/16 in (5 mm) thick.

3 Single V-Groove Weld

Good for materials 3/16 – 3/4 in (5-19 mm) thick. Cut bevel with oxy- acetylene or plasma cutting equip- ment. Remove scale from material after cutting. A grinder can also be used to prepare bevels.




Create 30 degree angle of bevel on materials in V-groove welding.

4 Double V-Groove Weld

Good for materials thicker than 3/16 in (5 mm).


9-11. Lap Joint



Or Less

Or Less






Single-Layer Fillet Weld

Multi-Layer Fillet Weld


2Single-Layer Fillet Weld

Move electrode in circular motion.

3 Multi-Layer Fillet Weld

Weld a second layer when a heavi- er fillet is needed. Remove slag be- fore making another weld pass. Weld both sides of joint for maxi- mum strength.

S-0063 / S-0064

9-12. Tee Joint




Or Less2



2Fillet Weld

Keep arc short and move at definite rate of speed. Hold electrode as shown to provide fusion into the corner. Square edge of the weld surface.

For maximum strength weld both sides of upright section.

3 Multi-Layer Deposits

Weld a second layer when a heavi- er fillet is needed. Use any of the weaving patterns shown in Section 9-9. Remove slag before making another weld pass.


S-0060 / S-0058-A / S-0061

OM-355 Page 32

Image 36
Contents OM-355 ProcessesDescription From Hobart to You Table of Contents Page Symbol Usage Marks a special safety messageArc Welding Hazards Electric Shock can killARC Rays can burn eyes and skin Welding can cause fire or explosionFlying Metal can injure eyes Buildup of GAS can injure or killPrincipal Safety Standards EMF Information About PacemakersSignification des symboles Consignes DE Securite Lire Avant UtilisationUN Choc É Lectrique peut tuer LES Fumé ES ET LES GAZ peuvent ê tre dangereuxLE Soudage peut provoquer un incendie ou une explosion DES Particules Volantes peuvent blesser les yeuxLE Bruit peut affecter l’ouïe Risque D’INCENDIE OU LA Chute DE L’APPAREIL peut blesser’EMPLOI Excessif peut DES Organes Mobiles peuvent provoquer des blessuresPrincipales normes de sé curité Information sur les champs é lectromagné tiquesConsignes relatives aux stimulateurs cardiaques Installation Included with Your UnitSelecting a Location MovementDimensions And Weights SpecificationsDuty Cycle Chart Volt-Ampere Curves Weld Output Terminals And Selecting Cable SizesARC Welding can cause Electromagnetic Interference Remote 14 Receptacle Shielding Gas ConnectionsSocket Necting to receptacleElectrical Service Guide Connecting Input PowerInput Voltage Input Amperes at Rated OutputOutput Selector Switch OperationControls Connect remote control see Section OM-355 Example of Remote Amperage Control For TIG Gtaw WeldingSelect weld process Select polarity Select amperage Example Select weld process Select polarityTypical TIG Connections Typical Stick ConnectionsRemote Foot Control ApplicationMaintenance and Troubleshooting Routine MaintenanceProcess and Material Thickness Guide Label Adjusting Spark Gaps TroubleshootingTurn Off power before ad Justing spark gapsElectrical Diagram Circuit Diagram For Welding Power SourceWelding Processes Using HF Sources Of HF Radiation From Incorrect InstallationHigh Frequency HF Correct Installation Ground WireNonmetal Building Metal BuildingSafety Information About Tungsten Selecting and Preparing Tungsten ElectrodeSelecting Tungsten Electrode Preparing Tungsten For DC Electrode Negative Dcen Welding Guidelines for TIG Welding Gtaw Positioning The TorchInstead of thoriated. Tho Mables awayTorch Movement During Welding Tungsten Without Filler RodWelding direction Form pool Tilt torch Tungsten With Filler RodPositioning Torch Tungsten For Various Weld Joints Butt Weld And Stringer Bead Joint Lap Joint Corner JointOM-355 Stick Welding Procedure Weld current starts when electrode touches work- pieceStick Welding Smaw Guidelines Electrode and Amperage Selection Chart Striking an Arc Scratch Start TechniqueStriking an Arc Tapping Technique Poor Weld Bead Characteristics Good Weld Bead CharacteristicsPositioning Electrode Holder 9090 End View of Work AngleConditions That Affect Weld Bead Shape Electrode Movement During WeldingButt Joints Lap JointTee Joint 16 in 1.6 mm Tack WeldsTroubleshooting Porosity Troubleshooting Excessive SpatterWeld Test Possible Causes Corrective ActionsTroubleshooting Incomplete Fusion Troubleshooting Lack Of PenetrationTroubleshooting Excessive Penetration Troubleshooting Burn-Through Troubleshooting Waviness Of BeadTroubleshooting Distortion Parts List Main AssemblyDia Part Description Quantity Mkgs 043 Panel, Front w/Components Page Page Page Service SupportContact your Distributor for Hobart Welding ProductsCall