Craftsman 315.28462 manual Cuttingaids, Push Blocks Auxiliary Fence, Stop JIG Handle

Page 23


See Figure 22.

Push sticks are devices that may be used for pushing a workpiece through the blade in any rip cut. When mak- ing non-through cuts or ripping narrow stock, always use a push stick, push block, and/or featherboard so your hands do not come within 3 inches of the saw blade. They can be made in various sizes and shapes from scrap wood and used in a specific project. The stick must be narrower than the workpiece, with a 90° notch in one end and shaping for a grip on the other end.

A push block has a handle fastened by recessed screws from the underside. Use push blocks for narrow cuts and all non-through cuts.

CAUTION: Be sure the screws in a push block are recessed to avoid damaging the saw or workpiece.


Fig. 22


An auxiliary fence is a device used to close the gap be- tween the rip fence and the saw table. Always make and use and auxiliary fence when ripping material 1/8 in. or thinner.


Rip fence holes are used to secure an auxiliary fence which requires a piece of wood 3/4 in. thick, 3-1/2 in. wide, and 21 in. long to make.

To attach the auxiliary fence to the rip fence:

[] Place the wood against the rip fence and resting firmly on the saw table.

[] From the back side of the rip fence, secure the wood to the fence using 1-3/4 in. wood screws.



Fig. 23


See Figure 24.

If ripping a narrow workpiece places the hands too close to the blade, it will be necessary to make and use a jig.

To make a jig:

[] Attach a handle to a long, straight piece of wood and secure from the underside using recessed screws.

[] Cut an L-shaped stop in the side of the jig.

To use a jig:

[] Position the workpiece flat on the table with the edge flush against the jig and against the stop.

[] Holding the jig handle and using a push block and/or

push stick, make the rip cut as described on page 31 later in this section.





Fig. 24


Image 23
Contents Perators Manual Craftsman ONE Year Full Warranty Read ALL Instructions Always USE Blade GUARD, SPREADER, Before Making a CUT, be Sure ALL ADJUST= Ments are SecureBladecoastsafter Being Turned OFF Remove ALL Fences and Auxiliary TablesHold the Workpiece Firmly Against the Table NEVERstandorhaveanypartofyourbodyin linePage LCAUTION Symbol SignalService Your nearest Authorized Service Center for repairElectrical Connection Speed and WiringExtension Cords Cord LengthRipping or Rip Cut Cutterhead planers and jointer planersFeatherboard GumProductspecifications See Figure KnowyourtablesawOperatingcomponents Switchin LOCKEDPOSiTiONSquare BladesScrewdriver ScrewdriverThefollowingitemsareincludedwithyourtablesaw See Figures 6 UnpackingMounting Holes To Assemble the LEG StandHolelocking Knob INDiCATORSlot Mounting the Table SAW Base to Plate To REMOVE/REPLACETHETHROATPLATEANTI-KICKBACK Pawls Blade Guard Lever Blade WrenchSee Figures 13 PawlSpreader Rivingknife Verticaladjustment SET Screw SpreaderCorrect Screw Extensionrod To Assemble the Sliding Table AssemlbySee Figures 17 RearPush DustDust BAG See Figures 20Avoiding Kickback ApplicationsBasic Operation of the Table SAW Causes of KickbackStop JIG Handle HOW to Make a JIG for RIP Cutting Narrow WorkpieceCuttingaids Push Blocks Auxiliary FencePush Push HOW to Mount a FeatherboardFeatherboard Howto Makea FeatherboardCrosscut Bevelmitercut TypesofcutsBevel To ChangebladedepthGullet Locking LeverLocking Scalelever To USE the RIP FenceBlade Clamp Locking Lever Fence FrontMiter Gauge LockSee Figures 36 Heelingparalleling the Blade toSee Figures 39 Switchswitch OnoffSwitchin Lockedposition To Make a Cross CUTMiter Gauge Angled Making a RIP CUTMaking a Miter CUT Miter CUT Blade StraightBladeangled Makinga BevelcrosscutSee Figures 43 Bevelcrosscut Miter GaugePlacelefthandon Miter BEVELRiP CUT RiP FenceBlade Angled Scale Making a Compound Bevel Miter CUT Compoundbevelmiter CUTLargepanelcut HEIGHT/BEVEL Adjusting HandwheelMakinga Large Panel CUT Making a NON-THROUGH CUTDadocut BladeguardRemoved Stick Making a Dado CUTThroat Plate Blade Wrench See Figures 50Arborblade Oadjustment Screw To Adjust the Miter GaugeGaugebase Miter Gaugerod Adjustable Lock 0 AdjustableBolts Locking Lever General MaintenanceTo Check Alignment of the RIP Fence to BladeCause ProblemSolution Problem 10 in. Table SAW Model Number CraftsmanKEY Part NO. Number KEY Part NO, NumberDescription QTYFigure B Description QTY Parts List for Figure BFigure C Craftsman 10 in. Table SAW Model Number Parts List for Figure CFigure D KEY Part NO. Number Description DESCRiPTiONKEY Part NO. Number NumberKEY Part Number Description QTY Parts List for Figure FPage @anag@