Craftsman 315.28462 manual Makinga Large Panel CUT, Making a NON-THROUGH CUT, Largepanelcut

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See Figure 47.

Make sure the saw is properly secured to a work surface to avoid tipping from the weight of a large panel.


See Figure 48,

Non-through cuts (made with a standard 10 in. blade) can be made with the grain (ripping) or across the grain (cross


WARNING: Make sure the blade guard assembly is installed and working properly to avoid possible serious injury.

cut). The use of a non-through cut is essential to cutting grooves, rabbets, and dadoes. This is the only type cut that is made without the blade guard assembly installed. Make sure the blade guard assembly is reinstalled upon completion of this type of cut. Read the appropriate sec-

A WARNING: Never make freehand cuts (cuts without the miter gauge or rip fence). Unguided workpieces can result in serious injury.

[] Place a support the same height as the top of the saw

tion which describes the type of cut in addition to this section on non-through or dado cuts. For example, if your non-through cut is a straight cross cut, read and under- stand the section on straight cross cuts before proceed- ing.

table behind the saw for the cut work. Add supports to the sides as needed.

[] Depending on the shape of the panel, use the rip fence or miter gauge. If the panel is too large to use either the rip fence or the miter gauge, it is too large for this saw.


WARNING: When making a non-through cut, the blade is covered by the workpiece during most of the cut. Be alert to the exposed blade at the start and finish of every cut to reduce the risk of personal injury.

[] Make sure the wood does not touch the blade before you turn on the saw.

[] Turn the saw on.

[] Position the workpiece flat on the table with the edge flush against the rip fence. Let the blade build up to full speed before feeding the workpiece into the blade.

[] Use a push stick to move the piece through the cut and past the blade.

[] When the cut is made, turn the saw off. Wait for the blade to come to a complete stop before removing the workpiece.






Fig. 47

A WARNING: Never feed wood with your hands when making any non-through cut such as rabbets or dadoes. To avoid personal injury, always use push blocks, push sticks, and featherboards.

[] Unplug the saw.

[] Remove the blade guard and anti-kickback pawls.

[] Place spreader/riving knife in "down" position.

[] Unlock the bevel locking lever.

[] Adjust the bevel angle to 0°.

[] Lock the bevel locking lever.

[] Set the blade to the correct depth for the workpiece.

[] Depending on the shape and size of the wood, use either the rip fence or miter gauge.

[] Plug the saw into the power source and turn the saw


[] Let the blade build up to full speed before moving the workpiece into the blade.

[] Always use push blocks, push sticks, and/or feather- boards when making non-through cuts to reduce the risk of serious injury.

[] When the cut is made, turn the saw off. Wait for the blade to come to a complete stop before removing the workpiece.

Once all non-through cuts are completed: [] Unplug your saw.

[] Reinstall the spreader/riving knife in the "up" position

then install the blade guard and anti-kickback pawls.


Image 34
Contents Perators Manual Craftsman ONE Year Full Warranty Read ALL Instructions Remove ALL Fences and Auxiliary Tables Before Making a CUT, be Sure ALL ADJUST= Ments are SecureBladecoastsafter Being Turned OFF Always USE Blade GUARD, SPREADER,NEVERstandorhaveanypartofyourbodyin line Hold the Workpiece Firmly Against the TablePage Your nearest Authorized Service Center for repair Symbol SignalService LCAUTIONCord Length Speed and WiringExtension Cords Electrical ConnectionGum Cutterhead planers and jointer planersFeatherboard Ripping or Rip CutProductspecifications Knowyourtablesaw See FigureSwitchin LOCKEDPOSiTiON OperatingcomponentsScrewdriver BladesScrewdriver SquareThefollowingitemsareincludedwithyourtablesaw To Assemble the LEG Stand UnpackingMounting Holes See Figures 6Slot Mounting the Table SAW Base to INDiCATORHolelocking Knob To REMOVE/REPLACETHETHROATPLATE PlatePawl Blade WrenchSee Figures 13 ANTI-KICKBACK Pawls Blade Guard LeverCorrect Verticaladjustment SET Screw SpreaderSpreader Rivingknife Rear To Assemble the Sliding Table AssemlbySee Figures 17 Screw ExtensionrodSee Figures 20 DustDust BAG PushCauses of Kickback ApplicationsBasic Operation of the Table SAW Avoiding KickbackPush Blocks Auxiliary Fence HOW to Make a JIG for RIP Cutting Narrow WorkpieceCuttingaids Stop JIG HandleHowto Makea Featherboard HOW to Mount a FeatherboardFeatherboard Push PushTypesofcuts Crosscut BevelmitercutLocking Lever To ChangebladedepthGullet BevelFence Front To USE the RIP FenceBlade Clamp Locking Lever Locking ScaleleverLock Miter GaugeHeelingparalleling the Blade to See Figures 36To Make a Cross CUT Switchswitch OnoffSwitchin Lockedposition See Figures 39Miter CUT Blade Straight Making a RIP CUTMaking a Miter CUT Miter Gauge AngledBevelcrosscut Miter Gauge Makinga BevelcrosscutSee Figures 43 BladeangledCompoundbevelmiter CUT BEVELRiP CUT RiP FenceBlade Angled Scale Making a Compound Bevel Miter CUT Placelefthandon MiterMaking a NON-THROUGH CUT HEIGHT/BEVEL Adjusting HandwheelMakinga Large Panel CUT LargepanelcutStick Making a Dado CUT BladeguardRemoved DadocutArborblade See Figures 50Throat Plate Blade Wrench Lock 0 Adjustable To Adjust the Miter GaugeGaugebase Miter Gaugerod Adjustable Oadjustment ScrewFence to Blade Locking Lever General MaintenanceTo Check Alignment of the RIP BoltsSolution ProblemCause Problem Craftsman 10 in. Table SAW Model NumberQTY KEY Part NO, NumberDescription KEY Part NO. NumberFigure B Parts List for Figure B Description QTYFigure C Parts List for Figure C Craftsman 10 in. Table SAW Model NumberFigure D DESCRiPTiON KEY Part NO. Number DescriptionNumber KEY Part NO. NumberParts List for Figure F KEY Part Number Description QTYPage @anag@