Craftsman 315.28462 Cutterhead planers and jointer planers, Featherboard, Gum, Ripping or Rip Cut

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Anti-KickbackPawls(radial arm and table saws)

A device which, when properly installed and maintained, is designed to stop the workpiece from being kicked back toward the front of the saw during a ripping operation. Arbor

The shaft on which a blade or cutting tool is mounted. Bevel Cut

A cutting operation made with the blade at any angle other than 90° to the table surface.

Compound Cut

A cross cut made with both a miter and a bevel angle. Cross Cut

A cutting or shaping operation made across the grain or the width of the workpiece.

Cutterhead (planers and jointer planers)

A rotating cutterhead with adjustable blades or knives. The blades or knives remove material from the workpiece. Dado Cut

A non-through cut which produces a square-sided notch or trough in the workpiece (requires a special blade).


A device used to help control the workpiece by holding it securely against the table or fence during any ripping operation.


Feet per minute (or strokes per minute), used in reference to blade movement.


Performing a cut without the workpiece being guided by a fence, miter gauge, or other aids.


A sticky, sap-based residue from wood products. Heel

Alignment of the blade to the fence.


The material removed by the blade in a through cut or the slot produced by the blade in a non-through or partial cut. Kickback

A hazard that can occur when the blade binds or stalls, throwing the workpiece back toward operator.

Miter Cut

A cutting operation made with the workpiece at any angle to the blade other than 90°.

Non-Through Cuts

Any cutting operation where the blade does not extend completely through the thickness of the workpiece. Pilot Hole (drill presses)

A small hole drilled in a workpiece that serves as a guide for drilling large holes accurately.

Push Blocks (for jointer planers)

Device used to feed the workpiece over the jointer planer cutterhead during any operation. This aid helps keep the operator's hands well away from the cutterhead.

Push Blocks (for table saws)

Device used to hold the workpiece during cutting opera-

tions. This aid helps keep the operator's hands well away from the blade.

Push Sticks (for table saws)

Device used to push the workpiece during cutting opera- tions. A push stick should be used for narrow ripping operations. The aid helps keep the operator's hands well away from the blade.


A cutting operation to reduce the thickness of the workpiece to make thinner pieces.


A sticky, sap-based substance that has hardened. Revolutions Per Minute (RPM)

The number of turns completed by a spinning object in one minute.

Ripping or Rip Cut

A cutting operation along the length of the workpiece.

Riving Knife/Spreader/Splitter (table saws)

A metal piece, slightly thinner than the blade, which helps keep the kerf open and also helps to prevent kickback. Saw Blade Path

The area over, under, behind, or in front of the blade. As it applies to the workpiece, that area which will be or has been cut by the blade.


The distance that the tip of the saw blade tooth is bent (or set) outward from the face of the blade.

Snipe (planers)

Depression made at either end of a workpiece by cutter blades when the workpiece is not properly supported.

Through Sawing

Any cutting operation where the blade extends completely through the thickness of the workpiece.


The throwing back of a workpiece usually caused by the workpiece being dropped into the blade or being 9laced inadvertently in contact with the blade.

Workpiece or Material

The item on which the operation is being done. Worktable

Surface where the workpiece rests while performing a cutting, drilling, planing, or sanding operation.

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Contents Perators Manual Craftsman ONE Year Full Warranty Read ALL Instructions Bladecoastsafter Being Turned OFF Before Making a CUT, be Sure ALL ADJUST= Ments are SecureRemove ALL Fences and Auxiliary Tables Always USE Blade GUARD, SPREADER,Hold the Workpiece Firmly Against the Table NEVERstandorhaveanypartofyourbodyin linePage Service Symbol SignalYour nearest Authorized Service Center for repair LCAUTIONExtension Cords Speed and WiringCord Length Electrical ConnectionFeatherboard Cutterhead planers and jointer planersGum Ripping or Rip CutProductspecifications See Figure KnowyourtablesawOperatingcomponents Switchin LOCKEDPOSiTiONScrewdriver BladesScrewdriver SquareThefollowingitemsareincludedwithyourtablesaw Mounting Holes UnpackingTo Assemble the LEG Stand See Figures 6INDiCATOR Slot Mounting the Table SAW Base toHolelocking Knob Plate To REMOVE/REPLACETHETHROATPLATESee Figures 13 Blade WrenchPawl ANTI-KICKBACK Pawls Blade Guard LeverVerticaladjustment SET Screw Spreader CorrectSpreader Rivingknife See Figures 17 To Assemble the Sliding Table AssemlbyRear Screw ExtensionrodDust BAG DustSee Figures 20 PushBasic Operation of the Table SAW ApplicationsCauses of Kickback Avoiding KickbackCuttingaids HOW to Make a JIG for RIP Cutting Narrow WorkpiecePush Blocks Auxiliary Fence Stop JIG HandleFeatherboard HOW to Mount a FeatherboardHowto Makea Featherboard Push PushCrosscut Bevelmitercut TypesofcutsGullet To ChangebladedepthLocking Lever BevelBlade Clamp Locking Lever To USE the RIP FenceFence Front Locking ScaleleverMiter Gauge LockSee Figures 36 Heelingparalleling the Blade toSwitchin Lockedposition Switchswitch OnoffTo Make a Cross CUT See Figures 39Making a Miter CUT Making a RIP CUTMiter CUT Blade Straight Miter Gauge AngledSee Figures 43 Makinga BevelcrosscutBevelcrosscut Miter Gauge BladeangledBlade Angled Scale Making a Compound Bevel Miter CUT BEVELRiP CUT RiP FenceCompoundbevelmiter CUT Placelefthandon MiterMakinga Large Panel CUT HEIGHT/BEVEL Adjusting HandwheelMaking a NON-THROUGH CUT LargepanelcutRemoved BladeguardStick Making a Dado CUT DadocutSee Figures 50 ArborbladeThroat Plate Blade Wrench Gaugebase Miter Gaugerod Adjustable To Adjust the Miter GaugeLock 0 Adjustable Oadjustment ScrewTo Check Alignment of the RIP Locking Lever General MaintenanceFence to Blade BoltsProblem SolutionCause Problem 10 in. Table SAW Model Number CraftsmanDescription KEY Part NO, NumberQTY KEY Part NO. NumberFigure B Description QTY Parts List for Figure BFigure C Craftsman 10 in. Table SAW Model Number Parts List for Figure CFigure D KEY Part NO. Number Description DESCRiPTiONKEY Part NO. Number NumberKEY Part Number Description QTY Parts List for Figure FPage @anag@