Carrier 48EJ, 48EW, 48EY024-068, 48AW, 48AY020-060, 48EK, 48AK Field-Supplied Smoke Detector Wiring

Page 87

SUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE RESET — Supply air tem- perature reset is used to reset the supply-air temperature utility. A 4 to 20 mA signal (field-supplied) is required. The reset op- tion does not require enabling.

POWER EXHAUST OPERATION — Power exhaust has two options (constant volume and modulating) that have the following sequence of operation:

The constant volume power exhaust stage 1 (CVPE1) is en- abled when the indoor fan has been energized and the desired outdoor-air damper position for the economizer increases above the first constant volume (CV) power exhaust stage 1 point (PES1). The PES1 factory default value is set at 25%. The constant volume power exhaust stage 2 (CVPE2) is en- abled when the desired outdoor-air damper position for the economizer increases above the second CV power exhaust stage 2 point (PES2). The PES2 factory default value is set at 75%. Each stage is disabled when the desired damper position decreases below the respective set points.

The modulating power exhaust is enabled when the indoor fan is energized and the building pressure has exceeded the in- dividual sequencer set points. The default set points are 0.04 in. wg (6.3 vdc) for stage 1, 0.10 in wg (6.8 vdc) for stage 2,

0.16in wg (7.3 vdc) for stage 3, and 0.23 in. wg (7.8 vdc) for stage 4, 0.29 in. wg (8.3 vdc) for stage 5, and 0.35 in. wg (8.8 vdc) for stage 6 power exhaust sequencer. Each stage also requires that the building pressure is reduced until it drops be- low the disable set point. The default set points are 0 in wg. (6.0 vdc) for stage 1, 0.060 in. wg (6.5 vdc) for stage 2, 0.13 in. wg (7.0 vdc) for stage 3, 0.19 in. wg (7.4 vdc) for stage 4,

0.25in. wg (8.0 vdc) for stage 5, and 0.31 in. wg (8.5 vdc) for stage 6 power exhaust sequencer. Both of these set points are changed at the specific controlling sequencer. It is not forcible from CCN.

If the indoor fan is on, then PEXE = ON. If the indoor fan is off, then PEXE = OFF. In addition, on units equipped with the Expansion I/O module, the control module board may have di- rect access 4 to 6 Modulated Power Exhausted stages bypass- ing an external sequencer device. These stages will be con- trolled directly in fire/smoke modes.

SMOKE CONTROL MODES — The 48AJ,AK,AW,AY and 48EJ,EK,EW,EY units with an optional expansion board per- form fire and smoke control modes. The expansion board pro- vides 4 modes which can be used to control smoke within the conditioned area. The modes of operation are fire shutdown, pressurization, evacuation, and smoke purge. See Table 41.

SMOKE DETECTOR — A smoke detector can be used to initiate fire shutdown. This can be accomplished by a set of normally closed pilot relay contacts which will interrupt power from the 24-v transformer, secondary ‘‘B’’ terminal to the con- trol circuit breaker (CB4). See Fig. 62. The wire that connects these two points is white and labeled ‘‘W78.’’

NOTE: On standard gas models, the indoor fan will continue to run 45 seconds after the call for heat has been terminated. If fire shutdown is initiated the fan will stop immediately. No 45-second delay will occur.

The smoke detector may be mounted in the return air duct or the supply duct. Carrier does not make recommendations as to specific smoke detector location due to liability considerations.

INDOOR AIR QUALITY (IAQ) CONTROL — The acces- sory IAQ sensor is required for IAQ control on the base control board. The Carrier sensors operate with a 4 to 20 mA signal. The 4 to 20 mA signal is connect to T13 (+) and T14 (-) on the base control board for the IAQ sensor, and T15 (+) and T16 (-) on the base control board for the OAQ (Outdoor Air Quality) sensor. The sensor is field-mounted and wired to the base con- trol board installed in the unit main control box. The IAQ sen- sor must be powered by a field-supplied 24-V power supply (ungrounded). Do not use the unit 24-V power supply to power sensor.

Fig. 62 — Field-Supplied Smoke Detector Wiring

NOTE: The Carrier IAQ/OAQ sensors are shipped configured for a 0 to 10 Vdc signal for use on previously designed PIC (Product Integrated Control) products. This signal must be changed to the 4 to 20 mA signal to be used on these products, which is accomplished through a jumper change. The IAQ/ OAQ input signals are also polarized, with (+) connecting to the odd numbered terminals and (-) connected to the even numbered terminals. Refer to Indoor-Air Quality Section in the Controls, Operation, and Troubleshooting Manual for further sequence of operation.

NOTE: The IAQ Control function was incorporated onto the base control board on these units with serial number of 0600F and later.

Once installed, the sensor must be enabled. The sensor is configured with default values which may be changed through network access software. To work properly, the IAQ sensor high and low reference points for the sensor that is used must match the configured values. The base control board reacts to a 4 to 20 mA signal from the IAQ sensor. The low reference (4 mA output) must be configured to the minimum IAQ sensor reading. The high reference (20 mA output) must be config- ured to the maximum IAQ sensor reading.

The IAQ sensor can be configured to either low or high priority. The priority value can be changed by the user. The default is low.

Low priority — When the priority is set to low, the initial con- trol is to the IAQ set point, but the outside air damper position will change to its minimum position when the following condi- tions occur:

CV units with sensor — when the space temperature is greater than the occupied cooling set point plus 2° F or when the space temperature is less than the occupied heating set point minus 2° F.

VAV units and CV units with thermostat — when the supply-air temperature is less than the supply-air temper- ature set point minus 8° F or when the supply-air temper- ature is greater than the supply air temperature set point plus 5° F for 4 minutes.

When the outdoor air quality is greater than the outdoor air quality set point (ppm)

High priority — When the priority is set to high, the IAQ set point controls the outside air damper exclusively, with no re- gard to comfort conditioning.

TIME GUARD® CIRCUIT — The Time Guard function (built into the rooftop control module board) maintains a mini- mum off time of 5 minutes, a minimum on time of 10 seconds, and a 10-second delay between compressor starts.

CRANKCASE HEATER — Unit main power supply must remain on to provide crankcase heater operation. The crank- case heater in each compressor keeps oil free of refrigerant while compressor is off.


Image 87
Contents Installation, Start-Up Service Instructions Instructions on Make Unit Duct ConnectionsRoof Curb 48AJ,AK020-030 and 48EJ,EK024-034 Units Roof Curb 48AJ,AK034-050 and 48EJ,EK038-048 Units Roof Curb 48AJ,AK060 and 48EJ,EK054-068 Units Page Base Unit Dimensions 48AJ,AK020-030 Base Unit Dimensions 48AJ,AK035-050 Base Unit Dimensions 48AJ,AK060 Base Unit Dimensions 48AW,AY020-030 Base Unit Dimensions 48AW,AY035-050 Base Unit Dimensions 48W,AY060 Base Unit Dimensions 48EJ,EK024-034 Base Unit Dimensions 48EJ,EK038-048 Base Unit Dimensions 48EJ,EK054-068 Base Unit Dimensions 48EW,EY024-034 Base Unit Dimensions 48EW,EY038-048 Base Unit Dimensions 48EW,EY054-068 AT Each Corner % 48EJ,EW,EK,EYD030 Rigging Weights 48AJ,AK,AW,AY UnitsAT Each Corner % 48EJ,EW,EK,EYD024 48EJ,EW,EK,EYD028Unit 48AJ,AK,AW,AY Physical Data 48AJ,AK,AW,AY UnitsQuantity Rows...Fins/in Unit 48EJ,EK,EW,EY Physical Data 48EJ,EK,EW,EY Units06D537 06EA250 06EA265 Quantity...Type Ckt 1, Ckt Operating Weights Air Distribution Thru-the-Bottom Evaporator Fan Motor DataCombustion Fan Housing Location Install Flue Hood48A,E Series Staged Gas Implementation Number of Stages Model Number Position Heat Size HtstgtypStages Thermistor Designations Supply-Air Thermistor Connections Indoor Air Quality Sensor Configuration Make Electrical Connections DIP CCNCOM SIORLA LRA Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply VoltageElectrical Data 48AJ,AK,AW,AY Units Min MaxQty 30.8/28.0 180.5/177.7 225/225 236.3/230.9 MCA Mocp EW,EY Electrical Data 48EJ,EK,EW,EY UnitsRange Exhaust FAN Motor FLA LRAFLA LRA MCA Mocp EW,EY 54.0 23.6 41.6 FLA NECRLA GND Ground Field Power Wiring ConnectionsIFC CCBEquip GNDOFC Carrier Comfort Network Indoor-Fan Circuit CCN IFC PescIndoor-Fan Relay Terminal Block Color Code Recommendations CCN Connection Approved Shielded CablesSpace Temperature Averaging Wiring Make Outdoor-Air Inlet AdjustmentsAdding Seal Strip to Top of Hood Sides Adding Seal Strip to Sides of Hood Top Mounting Flange Mounting Angle With Tabs Attached to Filter Track Assembly Differential Enthalpy Control and Sensor Control Control Point Curve APPROX. DEG Psychrometric Chart for Enthalpy ControlBarometric Relief Damper and Power Exhaust Mounting Details Unit Size 80.5 79.5 48EJ,EK,EW,EY024-054120.5 119.5 48EJ,EK,EW,EY058-068 Motormaster III Sensor Location 48EJ,EK,EW,EY054-064 Side Return Air Conversion Field ModificationsSTART-UP In. wg Pressure Control Signal VFD SET PointParameter Group Default Value Carrier Default Program Parameter ValuesMotor Standard Efficiency High Efficiency Typical Factory Wiring Optional Field Wiring Building Pressure Signal Level Closed DIP Switch ConfigurationSetting OpenDIP Switch Factory Settings Fan Performance, 48AJ,AK020-030 Vertical Discharge UnitsAirflow 18,000 Fan Performance, 48AJ,AK035 Vertical Discharge Units16,000 17,00017,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 Fan Performance, 48AJ,AK040,050 Vertical Discharge Units19,000 20,000Fan Performance, 48AJ,AK060 Vertical Discharge Units 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 Fan Performance, 48AW,AY020-030 Horizontal Discharge UnitsFan Performance, 48AW,AY035 Horizontal Discharge Units 17,000 18,00013,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 Fan Performance, 48AW,AY040,050 Horizontal Discharge Units 19,000 20,00016,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 26,000 27,000 Fan Performance, 48AW,AY060 Horizontal Discharge UnitsFan Performance, 48EJ,EK024,034 Vertical Discharge Units 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 Fan Performance, 48EJ,EK038,044 Vertical Discharge Units19,000 20,000 Available External Static Pressure in. wg Rpm Bhp 000 1066 1096 1125Fan Performance, 48EJ,EK048 Vertical Discharge Units Rpm Bhp000 1086 11.10 1114 11.61 1141 12.14 10,000 949 13.81 970 14.54 990 15.26 Fan Performance, 48EJ,EK054-068 Vertical Discharge Units20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000 25,000 26,000 27,000 Fan Performance, 48EW,EY054-068 Horizontal Discharge Units26,000 27,000 Available External Static Pressure in. wg 10,000 956 12.99 976 13.66 996 14.32ESP Airflow LOW Speed Medium Speed High SpeedAir Quality Limits Motor LimitationsSequence of Operation Software Control Link Points User Defined Set PointsPage COM Common Heat Interlock Relay WiringInput Description Staged Gas System ComponentsStage Gas System Inputs/Outputs Function LocationNavigator Display Menu Structure Navigator DisplayCondition Occupied Morning Temperature Software HeatVersion Enabled DEG. F ResetField-Supplied Smoke Detector Wiring Stages Smoke Control ModesCooling Capacity Staging Table, CV Units with 2 Compressors Device Pressurization Smoke Purge Evacuation Fire ShutdownService Typical Gas Heating Section Manufacturer Lubricant LubricationCondenser-Fan Adjustment Evaporator Fan Service and ReplacementBelt Tension Adjustment To adjust belt tension Evaporator-Fan Motor ReplacementCooling Charging Chart 48EJ,EK,EW,EY024-034 Gas Valve AdjustmentCooling Charging Chart 48EJ,EK,EW,EY054-068 Protective Devices 20 HP 208/230-3-60 Voltage WireIndoor Voltage Wire 06D-537 208/230-3-60 Following fan motors have twoTypical 48EK VAV 24-V Control Circuit Typical CV 24-V Control Circuit Typical 48EK VAV 115-V Control Circuit Typical 48EJ CV 115-V Control Circuit 101 102 Troubleshooting Typical Refrigerant Circuiting 48AJ,AK,AW,AY027,030 Typical Refrigerant Circuiting 48AJ,AK,AW,AY035 Typical Refrigerant Circuiting 48EJ,EK,EW,EY038,044 Typical Refrigerant Circuiting 48AJ,AK,AW,AY040,050 Typical Refrigerant Circuiting 48EJ,EK,EW,EY048 Typical Refrigerant Circuiting 48EJ,EK,EW,EY054 Typical Refrigerant Circuiting 48AJ,AK,AW,AY060 Typical Refrigerant Circuiting 48EJ,EK,EW,EY064 Typical Refrigerant Circuiting 48EJ,EK,EW,EY068 IGC Control Heating and Cooling Control Board LED Alarms IGC Control Board LED AlarmsIAQ O Channel Designations Base Module CVO Channel Designations Base Module VAV Terminal no AssignmentService Training START-UP Checklist General
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48EJ, 48AJ, 48AK, 48EK, 48AY020-060 specifications

The Carrier 48EJ, 48AW, 48EK, 48AJ, and 48EY024-068 are cutting-edge rooftop air conditioning units designed for commercial applications. These models are renowned for their reliability, energy efficiency, and innovative technologies aimed at providing optimal indoor comfort.

One of the standout features of these units is their advanced cooling and heating capabilities. They employ a multi-stage compressor system that allows for precise temperature control, accommodating various load requirements. This flexibility is particularly beneficial in commercial settings where the cooling load can fluctuate throughout the day.

Energy efficiency is paramount in today’s environmental landscape, and Carrier has ensured that these models meet stringent efficiency standards. They incorporate high-efficiency scroll compressors, which significantly reduce energy consumption while delivering powerful performance. The units are also equipped with variable speed fans that adjust airflow based on demand, further optimizing energy use.

In terms of construction, these rooftop units feature a robust design that enhances durability and longevity. The cabinet is constructed to withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring reliable performance year-round. Additionally, the units are equipped with corrosion-resistant coatings, particularly useful in coastal environments where salt exposure can be a concern.

The Carrier 48EJ, 48AW, 48EK, 48AJ, and 48EY models utilize advanced controls and connectivity features, allowing for easy integration into building management systems. This connectivity enables remote monitoring and control, facilitating quick response to changing conditions and simplifying maintenance tasks.

Noise reduction is another key characteristic of these models. They are designed with sound-absorbing insulation and low-noise fan blades to ensure quiet operation, making them suitable for noise-sensitive environments such as schools and hospitals.

These units are also available with various options for air filtration and dehumidification. The use of high-efficiency air filters enhances indoor air quality by trapping dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. Enhanced dehumidification capabilities ensure that spaces remain comfortable even in humid conditions.

In conclusion, the Carrier 48EJ, 48AW, 48EK, 48AJ, and 48EY024-068 rooftop units are engineered to offer exceptional performance, energy efficiency, and durability. With their advanced technologies and user-friendly features, they stand out as reliable solutions for meeting diverse commercial cooling and heating needs, making them a popular choice for many businesses.