Hobart Welding Products OM-486 Installation, Installing Welding Generator, Engine Prestart Checks

Page 17


4-1. Installing Welding Generator


YDo not lift unit from end.


Airflow Clearance


(460 mm)


18 in

18 in

(460 mm)

(460 mm)


18 in

18 in

(460 mm)

(460 mm)


YDo not weld on base. Weld- ing on base can cause fuel tank fire or explosion. Bolt unit down using holes pro- vided in base.

YAlways ground generator frame to vehicle frame to pre- vent electric shock and static electricity hazards.

1Generator Base

2Metal Vehicle Frame

3Equipment Grounding Terminal

4Grounding Cable

Use #10 AWG or larger insulated copper wire.





Y If unit does not have GFCI re-







protected extension cord.



Electrically bond genera-



tor frame to vehicle frame



by metal-to-metal contact.


install1 12/99 – Ref. ST-800 652 / Ref. ST-800 477-A / ST-158 936-A / S-0854

4-2. Engine Prestart Checks

1/2 in

(13 mm)




Check all fluids daily. Engine must be cold and on a level surface. Unit is shipped with 10W30 engine oil.

.Follow run-in procedure in engine manual.

.This unit has a low oil pressure shut- down switch. However, some condi- tions may cause engine damage be- fore the engine shuts down. Check oil

level often and do not use the oil pres- sure shutdown system to monitor oil level.

1 Fuel

Add fresh fuel before starting engine the first time (see maintenance label for specifi- cations). Fill fuel tank up to 1/2 in. (13 mm) from top to allow room for expansion. Check fuel level on a cold engine before use each day.

Ref. ST-151 983 / ST-801 942-C / Ref. ST-800 395

2 Oil

After fueling, check oil with unit on level sur- face. If oil is not up to full mark on dipstick, add oil (see maintenance label).

.To improve cold weather starting:

Keep battery in good condition. Store battery in warm area off concrete surface.

Use correct grade oil for cold weather.

OM-486 Page 13

Image 17
Contents Description OM-486Processes From Hobart to You Table of Contents Page Arc Welding Hazards Symbol UsageElectric Shock can kill ARC Rays can burn eyes and skinEngine Hazards Moving Parts can cause injury Battery Explosion can BlindEngine Exhaust Gases can kill Engine Heat can cause fireEMF Information Principal Safety StandardsRadiation can cause interference ARC Welding can cause interferenceConsignes DE SÉ Curité Lire Avant Utilisation Signification des symbolesUN Choc É Lectrique peut tuer LES Fumé ES ET LES GAZ peuvent ê tre dangereuxDES Particules Volantes peuvent blesser les yeux LE Soudage peut provoquer un in- cendie ou une explosionDES PIÈ CES Chaudes peuvent provoquer des brû lures graves LE Bruit peut affecter l’ouïe’EXPLOSION DE LA Batterie peut DES Organes Mobiles peuvent provoquer des blessuresLA Chaleur DU Moteur peut pro- voquer un incendie LA Chute DE L’APPAREIL peut blesserInformation sur les champs é lectromagné tiques Principales normes de sé curitéLE Soudage À L’ARC risque de provoquer des interfé rences Consignes relatives aux stimulateurs cardiaquesSymbol Definitions SpecificationsWeld, Power, And Engine Specifications DefinitionsFuel Consumption Dimensions, Weights, and Operating AnglesDimensions Duty Cycle Auxiliary Power CurveExceeding duty cycle can damage unit and void warranty CV/DC Mode CC/DC ModeCC/AC Mode Volt-Ampere CurvesEngine Prestart Checks InstallationInstalling Welding Generator Do not overfill battery cells Activating The Dry Charge Battery If ApplicableRead and follow all instruc ChargerInstalling Exhaust Pipe Connecting The BatteryConnecting To Weld Output Terminals Connect negative cable lastRemote 14 Receptacle Information Selecting Weld Cable Sizes100 ft 30 m Or Less 10 100% Duty CycleStop engine Adjusting MIG Weld Puddle ConsistencyTo wet out weld puddle To stiffen weld puddleDo not switch under load DC Polarity/AC SwitchRemote Amperage/Voltage Switch Operating Welding GeneratorRemote Amperage/Voltage Control Weld Current 120 240 Auxiliary Power Receptacles And Circuit BreakersOperating Auxiliary Equipment Gfci Receptacle Option Optional Auxiliary Power ReceptaclesMaintenance and Troubleshooting Maintenance Label Stop engine and let cool Servicing Air CleanerServicing Optional Spark Arrestor Changing Engine Oil, Oil Filter, And Fuel Filter Weld/Power Speed Adjustment Adjusting Engine SpeedIdle Speed Adjustment Overload Protection TroubleshootingWelding Trouble RemedyCheck and clean air cleaner as necessary see Section Low weld output Check control settingsCheck and adjust engine speed see Section See engine manualCheck receptacle wiring and connections Auxiliary PowerEngine Check governor according to engine manualCircuit Diagram For Welding Generator Electrical DiagramST-190 578-B Grounding Generator To Truck Or Trailer Frame Auxiliary Power GuidelinesSelecting Equipment How Much Power Does Equipment Require? Grounding When Supplying Building SystemsEarth ground if supplying Amperes x Volts = WattsApproximate Power Requirements For Farm/Home Equipment Approximate Power Requirements For Industrial MotorsIndustrial Motors Rating Starting Watts Running Watts Farm/Home Equipment Rating Starting Watts Running WattsContractor Rating Starting Watts Running Watts Approximate Power Requirements For Contractor EquipmentHow Much Power Can Generator Supply? Power Required To Start MotorSingle-Phase Induction Motor Starting Requirements KVA/HP x HP x240 120 Ground Typical Connections To Supply Standby PowerCurrent Load Watts Amperes Selecting Extension Cord Use Shortest Cord Possible24-Fig Parts ListMain Assembly Dia Part Description Mkgs Quantity Panel, Front w/Components Panel, Front w/Components -1 Item Generator -1 Item Page Page Page Support ServiceCall Contact your Distributor forHobart Welding Products