The fibre loop switch provides an affordable
Related Publications
The following publications provide information regarding Storage Area Networks (SANs) and the Fibre Channel protocol.
Building Storage Networks, Farley, Marc,
Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop, Kembel, Robert W., Tucson, Arizona: Connectivity Solutions, a division of Northwest Learning Associates, Inc., 1996. To order, call
Fibre Channel - Gigabit Communications and I/O For Computer Networks, Benner, Alan F.,
Fibre Channel, Volume 1: the Basics, Jan Dedek and Gary Stephens, ANCOT Corporation, 115 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1997.
The Simple Book, An Introduction to Management of
What Is Fibre Channel? Jan Dedek and Gary Stephens, ANCOT Corporation, 115 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025, November 1996.