Firmware Information
The Firmware Information table contains firmware version information for the following:
•System ROM
•Power Management Controller
•Smart Array Controller
Newsfeed tab
To view messages from HP Insight Control for RHEV, click the Newsfeed tab. The Newsfeed tab contains the following information:
The Newsfeed table contains:
•Status—For status descriptions, see Figure 4 (page 8).
•Message—Integrated messages from HP Insight Control for RHEV host events.
•Source—The IP address/hostname of the device that generated the event.
•Date and Time—The time of the event (in both local time and GMT).
To delete a message, select it, and click Delete.
Host tab
To view inventory and status information about the selected host, click the Host tab. The Host information tables are displayed.
Host Information
The Host Information table contains:
•Server Name—The server name defined by the host operating system or defined in the iLO GUI.
•Product—The product name of the selected host.
•UUID—The universally unique identifier assigned when the system is manufactured.
•Serial Number—The server serial number, which is assigned when the system is manufactured.
•iLO Address—The network IP address of the iLO subsystem.
•iLO License—The level of licensed iLO functionality.
•iLO Firmware—The version and date of the installed iLO firmware.
•Host Power Status—ON, OFF.
•UID Light—The state of the UID (ON, OFF, FLASHING).
•CPUs—The number of populated CPU sockets in the host.
•Memory—The total amount of RAM in the host.
•NICs—The number of available network interfaces on the motherboard. This does not include PCIe cards or MEZZ cards.
•System ROM—The host BIOS type and date.
•Backup ROM—The host backup BIOS type and date.
Server Power