7.Enter the hostname or IP address and your credentials for the iLO you want to discover. Click OK.
NOTE: To discover entities, entities should have at least the following minimum versions:
Minimum version for iLO 3 is1.50 Minimum version for iLO 4 is1.20
Minimum version for OA is 3.32
Minimum version for VC is 3.30
NOTE: If the server is a blade server, you can enter OA and VC credentials. OA and VC inputs are hidden for
NOTE: If an authentication failure occurs, an error message is added to the host’s newsfeed and global newsfeed.
NOTE: If the host's Power Management iLO data has been entered in
NOTE: When discovering blade servers using the Discovery Wizard (Hosts→HP Insight Control→Tools Menu→Discovery), if the OA and VC credential fields are blank, the Discovery Wizard will attempt to discover the OA and VC using the credentials entered for iLO.